Prevention Of Hiv

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Prevention of HIV


With 80 years of twentieth century on Earth developed a global epidemic (pandemic) of HIV infection (AIDS).Infectious agent that caused the pandemic - the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is transmitted from person to person during sexual intercourse, blood transfusion or accidental transfer of HIV infected blood from one person to cutting or piercing instruments. The virus also can be transmitted from HIV-infected mother to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. (Acosta, & Peragallo, 2001, 167-181)

HIV from Person to Person Transmission

Not a high level of infectiousness of HIV, and long-term latent course of HIV infection was the main reason that HIV for 20 - 25 years of gradual and often unnoticed spread across continents and countries of the world. Intense international migration of different population groups due to the rapid development of the world market, led to the skidding of HIV from the zones of the original distribution (the U.S. and countries in Central Africa) in almost all nations of the world. (Cianelli, Ferrer & Peragallo, 2003, 6-12)

Pandemic continues to grow. By the end of 2006, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Programe on AIDS (UNAIDS), has the world were living with HIV 39.5 million people, and in 2006 became infected 4.3 million. By this time have already died from AIDS and 30 million people previously infected with HIV.

Contrary to prevailing stereotypes of the overwhelming number of HIV and AIDS deaths in the world does not refer to "risk groups - homosexuals and drug addicts, and belongs to the people with normal sexual behavior. The incidence of adult heterosexual population represents a direct threat to the future state. Prevent the expansion of the epidemic in the absence of specific prophylaxis (vaccine) is possible only by changing people's behavior toward less risky. (Ferrer, Cianelli, Peragallo & Cabieses, 2004, 11-22)

Professional activities of nurses, is associated with high risk of contracting infectious diseases, as well as contamination of the patients in any medical institution. Therefore, before the nurses are the main task to prevent infection and the need is to be actively involved in prevention of nosocomial infections - one of the main prerequisites for its success.

By definition, the WHO Regional Office for the number of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) are not only diseases that occur in patients by providing them with medical care in hospitals and outpatient clinics, but also the infection of medical workers, resulting from their professional activities. Particularly high risk of contracting sexually transmitted way. Upon contact with the blood of patients health care workers may be transferred more than 30 infections.

From professional medical staff infections are the most common viral hepatitis B and C.

The problem of infectious safety of health workers is central. The purpose of this study is to investigate effective preventive measures and raise awareness on issues of occupational infection and care for patients with HIV infection and viral hepatitis B and C. (Kim, Peragallo & DeForge, 2006, 527-534)

 The General Notion of HIV Infection

Long-term epidemiological observations have shown that HIV is spread through sexual contact, with transfer of ...
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