Prevention And Mitigation Analysis

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Prevention and mitigation analysis

Prevention and mitigation analysis


Disturbances and riots are common phenomenon in prisons of United States and it is observed that during past decades the frequency of these violent and destructive events has been increasing. There are various conditions in which prison riots are created. It is referred as the activities taken by inmates of the prison to take control over identifiable portion of correctional center or prison for a measurable period of time. In addition to this, the terminology disturbance is defined as a step below the riot as the inmates involved in disturbance are few in numbers and they poses minimal or may have no control over correctional or prison facility. Riot occurred at Arizona State Prison Complex Lewis (ASPC Lewis) in the Morey Unit was the one of the biggest prison riot in the United States (Hess, 2009).


Disturbances and riots are common phenomenon in prisons of United States and it is observed that during past decades the frequency of these violent and destructive events has been increasing. There are various conditions in which prison riots are created. It is referred as the activities taken by inmates of the prison to take control over identifiable portion of correctional center or prison for a measurable period of time. In addition to this, the terminology disturbance is defined as a step below the riot as the inmates involved in disturbance are few in numbers and they poses minimal or may have no control over correctional or prison facility. Riot occurred at Arizona State Prison Complex Lewis (ASPC Lewis) in the Morey Unit was the one of the biggest prison riot in the United States (Hess, 2009). This correctional facility is located in Buckeye, Arizona. The structure of Morey Unit is designed in a way that holds around 800 prisons of different categories regarding the level of security with low medium and high level of security. In the morning of 18 January 2004, the riot begin at the kitchen of Morey Unit where two inmates named Ricky Wassrnaar and Steven Coy took control over correctional officer and civilian kitchen staff and they did it with the knives and shanks made by them. This started the riot and created a situation of taking hostages for fifteen day. During those fifteen days two correctional officers were made hostages by inmates among them one was male and other was female correctional officer of Morey Unit. It is also to mention that during their hostage period, those correctional officers were tortured sexually and physically. However, at last both were released alive. The main aim of the disturbance and riot by Wassenaar and Coy is to escape from Morey Unit, and soon that plan got twisted when they took control over guard tower and found their ammunition and rifles (Mays & Winfree, 2008).

The event was started at 2:30 am on January 18, in Morey Unit nineteen staff members of the inmate kitchen work was entered to the kitchen office from their housing unit ...
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