This report is a complex problem of domestic violence and argues that there are no easy answers. Perpetrators of violence may be a man; this is not always the case. A number of cities in the United States of America, both the police always are called to an incident of domestic violence arrest. In many cases of domestic violence wounded partner (usually but not always women) is the only solution is to go. In other cases, to make some changes in some relationships, violence is less likely. The newspaper also discusses the couple can reduce the severity of the technical relationship, or during a conflict, the "dead time" is used to show that a non-verbal signals will accept - the violence has occurred. Some couples wave in a certain way to others, football uses time-out signal. Oral argument to quickly become a part of this non-verbal signal is a signal that is important. Not recommended the middle finger (or other sign of civilization, humiliating).
Domestic abuse is defined as a global epidemic, identified as a serious public health problem creating worldwide attention concerning the effect it has women victims and their children in the course of their lives. In majority of households domestic abuse incidences take place in front or in earshot of children. They are the “silent witnesses”. In this study we try to understanding of the cumulative effects of domestic abuse on children through three transitional stages in the life course.
Purpose of the Study
It is widely recognized that childhood experience of abuse in the family is all-inclusive Pervasive experience in the field of literature, but, despite numerous studies in mainly casual relationships and its implications for the explanation of the route remains elusive. Even such fundamental questions remain unanswered, the impact on children, why there are differences in the rate of measurable children are suffering, and why this phenomenon is still a huge problem, when should the intervention and prevention campaigns in high public life in order to stop the problem. Children affected by domestic violence in different directions. Domestic violence is often accompanied by other major risk factors for children, such as poverty, female-headed households, as well as the low level of education of primary care giving.
Problem Statement
In 90% of domestic abuse family households domestic abuse incidences take place in front or in earshot of children. They are the “silent witnesses”. Impossible to feature all, but here are some of the issues that affect their life: children may inadvertently get caught up in the crossfire and suffer actual bodily injuries. They may be caught up in the sexually, verbally or emotionally abuse of the mother and subsequently suffer the after effects of this (Refuge, 2010, Mullander et al 2002:2).
Background of the Problem
Domestic abuse is defined as a global epidemic, identified as a serious public health problem creating worldwide attention concerning the effect it has women victims and their children in the course of their lives (Litrowinik et al 2003; ...