Presidential Powers And The Evolution Of U.S. Economy

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Presidential powers and the evolution of U.S. economy


The position of the president overrides American Politics. The president is head of America's executive; Congress heads America's legislative and the Supreme Court, America's judiciary. These three components of the government make up the government structure of politics in America.

Usually the only two voted into agency constituents of the Executive are the president and the vice-president. The president is furthermore commander-in-chief of the equipped forces - a position he takes directly on taking the oath of office.

The president does not rule by himself. "The president of America is not the government of the US." (Bowles). The government of America is by co-operation and the idea is that the boss, legislative and judiciary should work simultaneously in harmony to formulate policy (An 12).

The president has to request co-operation but he furthermore has to be glimpsed to be premier the nation. This is one of the large ironies of being 'the most powerful man in the world'. As the foremost of his nation he has to be glimpsed to lead yet he is often committed in negotiations etc. (either in person or by proxy) with politicians founded in the Capitol. Instances manage live where this co-operation has broken down but it is uncommon and it is common for all three partners in government to work simultaneously as anything additional discredits the entire system. In the past, when a breakdown has appeared, Congress has obtained the blame therefore giving the president and for demonstration over it as an institution.

For usual day-to-day reasons the president has to accept that senators and representatives have their own legitimate power bases and these have to be recognized (Del 643).

In Britain, the major minister appoints his cabinet who are party constituents and who are there to support him and his party in power. In America, the cabinet of the president might have no other party associate in his cabinet except the vice-president. In this sense, outsiders are conveyed in. However, they are selected because it is sensed by the president that they can manage the task and work with him and support his policies.

The government scheme of government in America and the three distinct types of government institutions in Washington restrict presidential power. Bowles assertions that presidents have to "bargain" with other politicians and that at times, presidential power is "illusory". The other politicians who work out of the Capitol construction, are not controlled by the president - his only possibility might be to leverage them but the latest out voiced Democrat constituents who liked Clinton to relinquish other than pull down the name of the Democrat Party (over the issue of the Starr report and the video strip recordings etc.) are indicative of how little leverage the president has over his own party constituents in a time of crisis (Shapiro 18).

However, the president does have two large benefits:

He does have the proficiency to set the nation's political agenda which he can manage by exploiting the powers granted to him by the ...
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