Present Revelance Of Manufactoring Unions

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Relevance of Present day Manufacturing Unions

Relevance of Present day Manufacturing Unions


Since mind 1970s immense research has been conducted to explain the concept of long term attachment between firm and worker. Manufacturing unions in United States are facing many challenges. Today hardships faced by unions are pressing organizational problems, despite having many advantages membership among unions has declined due to structural changes in society and economy (Bernhard, 2002). Unfavorable institutional and political conditions have made organizations more complex. Deunionisation and its effects for political clout and collective bargaining of union moments have become problems in union circles as well as academic circles.

Manufacturing unions are becoming dependent upon welfare state because of decline in due income, membership and representatively. Despite so many difficulties survey conducted by labor force survey, it was conducted that unionization is still 3% higher in public sector. Manufacturing unions are getting engaged in various mergers. In the current wave of research, the relevance of unions today, at 52%, was in between levels seen in 2003 (56%) and 2008 (47%). Still, a majority of Americans, whether they be unionized or not, would not want to be unionized in their current job if given the choice. Unions today are often just noise making, with very little to offer or advance the workers they represent, they serve almost entirely as a political force now (DTI, 2009). Unions are strongly connected with left wing parties with solidarity in ideology, rather than offering any real political benefits to the working class. Union leaders are self serving and greedy now, with their only role within unions to perpetuate their own job, with most officials having little or no working background.

A strong majority of American workers agreed with more transparency and secret ballot voting in a union drive and strongly disagreed with governments discriminating against non-unionized employees (whose employers may be excluded by law from bidding on government work). In addition, a majority of American workers agreed with workers crossing their picket lines largely based on workers' individual rights and freedom to disagree with the union. Unions provide advocacy for employees at national and company level (Antos, 1980). They provide an important communication role within the company by sending employees the information they have obtained in the councils. In case of conflict with the employer, unions can engage in protest actions (strikes, demonstrations, petitions). Unions are also agents for ...
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