Prelude Case

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Prelude Case: Hoki, by another name, tastes just as oily

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Prelude Case: Hoki, By another Name, Tastes Just As Oily


It is significant to review the case before answering the questions. The case is related to the Fish industry and fish consumption in the world. The case has crucial argument about the jeopardy to the fishing industry it is related to the fishing ecology that how fishes and declining in their growth. The fishing industry is rapidly diminishing. Fishes are considered as a healthy food in the entire world. Sea food is the luxurious food including lobsters, all kinds of fishes, and other crabs and prawns. The manufacturers of processed fish have done heavy marketing to promote their product and there are several companies that are manufacturing processed fishes and they are market leaders. Cod and Unilever are one of those fish processors those work for the fish marketing. In the countries like, Spain, Portugal, and Lithuania the population consume around 45kg of fish per year, per person. This amount is doubled than the European population. There are numerous companies who are responsible for the economical and ethical problems related to the fishing industry. Unilever is one of that companies that is responsible for these problems. Processed fishes are sold at the super markets in higher quantity. People are found of fishes and use it in their regular diet. Fishes are said to be superior good and hence, its demand his high in the upper class market (Ries, Ries, 1998, p.45). The case is about the new brand launched of the Bird Eye Division. Bird Eye Division is associated to the Unilever. The Unilever launched its product of Fish as Hoki, and it want to become the market leader. This fish is from New Zealand and it is the alternative Fish in compared to Cod.

How bad marketing practices may be responsible for a new product failure?

Marketing is to satisfy customer's need profitably. To launch a new brand or a product in market the organisation has to be careful about the customer's needed physically and emotionally. Sometimes, a good product may fail just because of bad marketing and not satisfying customer's emotional need. It is important to make a customer emotionally happy and identify and respect the feelings of customer. The case represented that the Unilever launched its product in the division of bird eye named hoki. Unilever introduced fish with the competition to the Cod, and wanted to become market leader. Unilever wanted to capture the largest market share and beat the Cod fish. Unilever heavily marketed the fish and try to underestimate the Cod market. Unilever being a giant company made a mistake here and did not consider the ethics and the emotional attachment of the customers (Murphy, Laczniak, 2005, p.85). It was the introducing face of the product the manufacturer Unilever has to be very careful and should not ignore the market of Cod. Unilever try to underestimate the love of the Cod fish and customer did not ...
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