“Concepts of prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination exist in the society for long time. Each of these practices is the way to prove superiority of one group or individual over another.”
As usually said in psychology, prejudice is not only a testimonial of view or belief, but an approach that embraces thoughts such as disrespect, loathe, or antipathy. When it comes to prejudice, stereotypes also cannot stay behind. It is not only stereotypes that are harmful in its own way but, it also imposes devastating effects along with discrimination and prejudice. All three of them mostly go hand in hand but, sometimes it is also possible to experience one without having others. For example, when people see a family as a stereotyped just because of its bonding, then prejudice and discrimination do not dwell there. Prejudice, discrimination and stereotypes are against the most basic values of the society. They do not only violate human rights but also a threat to democracy as, they deny the concepts of equality and equal opportunities. Despite of long time existence and research, it is still impossible to eradicate them from the society and they continue damaging it (Kulik and Bainbridge, 2006).
The most common explanation of prejudice that was given at the origin is, “an antipathy based on faulty and inflexible generalization towards a group as a whole or towards an individual because, they are member of that group.” There are many ways in which social scientists define the term prejudice but most of them agree on the prejudgment factor which is usually negative for any group or individual (Kulik and Bainbridge, 2006).
This definition explains that prejudice is not something based on facts rather it is formed on assumptions, guesses and half truths. It also tells that prejudice is a collection of characteristics or attitudes a person may have if, he/she belongs to a particular community or group (Kulik and Bainbridge, 2006).
When a person or a group of people is generalized in more oversimplified way without concerning their individual diversity, this is called stereotypes. Many times, when people are linked with even any positive trait, it can impose negative impacts on them. Stereotype is often accompanied with prejudice and discrimination that is why it is not only harmful in its own way but also cause damage due to the other two attitudes. Social scientists, since 1970s, have reported that quickly made judgments about people by others are only assumptions and most of the times are stereotypic. The affects of stereotypes are strong on social opinions and behaviors, once they are activated. Though the reasons behind these effects are not clear but it is suggested that the activation of stereotype behaviors activates other behaviors as well (Plous, 2003).
When people or things are differentiated on the basis of their color, sex, race, group, class or categories to which they belong, is considered as discrimination. In this kind of social treatment, origin or belonging of people are given preferences over the ...