Prejudice And Discrimination

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Prejudice and Discrimination


The existence of a bias implies that people prejudge, usually negatively to group members. Prejudice not only refers to an opinion or belief, but also an attitude that includes feelings such as contempt, disgust, and abomination. The stereotype instead is a term that refers to generalizations (or often on generalizations) about members of a group. Generalizations can be positive (women are tender) but in most cases are negative and resistant changes (the Indians are fools). Unfortunately the stereotypes are that they facilitate the prejudice and discrimination (Aboud, 1999).


Current research indicates that the bias is determined largely by a type of thought known as categorical and often a natural result of the way understands the world. When we think of categories it is easy for this prejudice. The first to speak of the relationship between categorical thinking and prejudice was Gordon Allport. The natural tendency to categorize can be illustrated by the following example: The shapes of the ends are known as square and diamond respectively. Intermediate forms without but do not correspond to categories defined and named as a square or rotated rotating diamond (Anderson, 2010).

Prejudice: widespread social phenomenon

Who are the victims of prejudice? Actually, it all happens. The first of the groups to which you belong, and most extensive is your people. Americans, for example, have for years been the subject of prejudice in the world. In the sixties and seventies with the North Vietnamese Communists treated the Americans as "racing dogs of capitalist imperialism." In 1980 the Iraqi regime headed by Khomeini, described the Americans as ruthless, power-hungry and immoral people - recognizing it as the "great Satan". Even the political allies of the Americans are perceived by stereotypes. British scientists taking part in joint work of the Americans define as intrusive, insolent and careerists. The American researchers took away the British as cold and rigid people (Campbell, 1967). In addition to the nationality of many other elements of your membership, it becomes marked. The main element is biased posts racial and ethnic affiliation. Americans with roots in Africa, Asia, Spain, or are natives of America, are targets of prejudice. The same is true of some groups of Americans coming from England or from other nations, as exemplified by not flagging popularity of jokes about the Poles or the negative stereotypes of Italian Americans or Irish descent (Nelson, 2002).

Discrimination: A behavioral component

Discrimination is a, negative or detrimental action against a member of the group, simply because it belongs to it. We came to the last component of bias: when beliefs are translated into action. In this case, the stereotypical belief associated with negative emotional reactions, are converted to unfair treatment or even violence, in other words, discrimination, defined as not justified by the negative or harmful action directed against members of a group simply because they belong to it. An excellent example of discrimination is a study conducted by Charles Bond and colleagues (1988), who decided to compare the treatment of black and white ...
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