Prediction About The 2010 November Election In United States

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Prediction about the 2010 November Election in United States

Prediction about the 2010 November Election in United States

Although the handful of survivors House liberals and centrists will maintain the strong opposition to restrictions on travel and trade embargo, Cuban policy is likely to remain in background at moment, in Washington, if not completely at the standstill. Veteran Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, herself the Cuban American, is expected to block any effort to change policies remaining modest in United States. Taking position of president of Foreign Affairs Committee, Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) will replace Rep. Howard Berman L, who worked with Republican Senator Richard Lugar in April 2009 to formulate the convincing argument in favor of putting end to embargo.

From Lisa Murkowski plans to stay the Republican in Senate because of his writing in offer, this is true. Charlie Crist, governor of Florida, had the strong independent bid for Senate with 29.7% of vote. In House, former Rep. Jim Traficant ended with 16.1% and highest quality of performance of that body.

Republicans did worse in Senate than expected, losing races we needed to win in Colorado, Washington, West Virginia, Nevada and California. However, Republicans dominated House.

Third published good results some anticipations overperformed state legislators in states 10.9, Eliot Cutler latebreaking increase in race for governor of Maine, Lincoln Chafee's victory in race for governor of Rhode Island. However, no independent party candidates or minor than 20% in the U.S. House race with two major party candidates, and only one did in the Senate race. Three third-party candidates broke 30% in the race for governor, Lincoln Chafee, Eliot Cutler and Tom Tancredo. All three received heavy media attention.

Chafee, in fact, win race for Rhode Island Governor. It should be noted that independent and minor party candidates did not win in Lieutenant Governor or Attorney General's race, despite great performances. Tancredo on-realized in race for governor of Colorado. Dan Maes rebound the little support from Republicans to end with 11% as Tanc picked up 37%. Eliot Cutler Maine finished with 36.5%, 2% of Republicans winner Paul LePage. Crist finished second as previously noted, although less than 30%. Clements underperformed as noted. Whitney finished with 2.7%.

One of main objectives of war now is to stabilize Iraqi government up and running by itself. As mentioned before, Barack Obama intends to bring troops back in summer of 2010. Senator Obama believes there ...
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