Pre Employment Screening Standards

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Pre Employment Screening Standards

Pre Employment Screening Standards


The process of pre employment screening justifies the opportunity of acquiring a job, this regards to standards which are needed to be met for attaining a position in an organization. The purpose of pre-employment screening is to identify the records of the applicant interested in the job. Moreover, to some extent the process is to analyze the character of the individual.

Pre-employment screening diverges between organizations using different techniques and methods to identify the security concerns related to individuals. The holistic approach aims provides the organization to counter threats and damages and to protect itself from any subsequent exploitation (Paul, 2012).



The pre-employment screening process has become a sensitive method to maintain standards of avoiding a bad hiring in the organization, which could lead an opening to many threats and dangers in the organization. To avoid such flaw hiring, organizations have established systems and have taken a step forward to identify individuals through standards of pre-employment screening, which help protects the safety measures from such individuals .

State & Local Structures

To help such purpose, International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) has established a system for screening individuals who are seeking employment. The law enforcement agency offers pre-employment screening through a standard process, which include psychological evaluation of the individual. The IACP offers process of over viewing, developing, testing, interviewing, and evaluating the individual for proper employment (Rogers, 2005).

Majority of the states in America carry an emphasize on pre-employment screening policy and have created data banks to protect means of organization, for such purpose various Acts have been passed from Department of Homeland Security. The State and local requirements for pre-employment screening standards include appropriate and verified background checks. These background checks include detailed information related to the past activities of a candidate. Moreover, authorities focus on ...
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