Prayer In Counseling

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Prayer in Counseling

Prayer in Counseling


In order to develop confidence and rapport in the eyes of Steve, first, consider it as an actor, as a participant and not merely as a beneficiary. The person who comes for counseling is a part of the care and help, it is not only located in the heart. You can participate without being able to act directly, but offering or accepting that we act for you.

For real participation possible, we must know and understand: would not this simply the application of the rule of informed consent, and all its nuances. The situation of people in their higher functions must give rise to highly scalable answers, knowing that even much disoriented, advisee can express long wishes, desires and dislikes audible, even if the expression is unusual (Adams, 1973).

For the advisee's participation is possible, it is also the environment, family and professionals, is able to make negotiations to accept, too, proposals or refusal of the advisee that may offend habits or methods. At home these negotiations can be more difficult that can be faced with conflicts of interest between the legitimate desires of the advisee, sometimes difficult to decipher, the attitude of the family, not always consistent, the conditions of activity and proposals or requirements of professionals (Broger, 1991).


Christian counseling that is biblical, try to bring people and their problems for the living God. Must be based on the following convictions:

(1) The Word God must be our authority to advice,

(2) Counseling is a part of basic discipleship ministry of the local church, and

(3) God's people can and should be trained to counsel effectively.

Christian counseling is for all God's people - for all workers who love and serve God and are involved in ministry. It is not easy to advice on a skilled and disciplined this time in which we live, where the problems are so diverse, the needs are so large and counseling techniques available are often confusing and contradictory. Literally, today is used by thousands of counseling methods. There seems to be so many theories and approaches to counseling as counselors. If one thing we know is that there is no consensus on how right or wrong advice, so we found a cacophony of sounds from the community of directors. With so much activity and criteria, including time professional can completely overwhelmed (Chet, 2007).

All counseling techniques have at least four characteristics. ...
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