Practicum Experience

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Practicum Experience

Practicum Experience

Effectiveness of Practicum Experience

Practicum courses provide exceptional learning experience by providing students with clear learning objectives. These courses coupled with mentoring available on every step provide hands on exposure to the practical work and instill confidence in the students. While conducting Practicum, the student also gets acquainted with the operating environment and the practitioners. The first hand interaction with the practitioners provides the opportunity to learn about the challenges of the work environment and the strategies for overcoming them.

The different objectives and activities developed in the practicum programs develop skills and understanding which can increase the capability of the student. The objectives of reviewing literature not only improved the searching skills but also helped in understanding the importance of fellowship programs. It helped me to recognize the value of fellowship programs. As opposed to my earlier notion, the purpose of fellowship programs as being the necessary activity for strengthening their skills was revealed while reviewing the literature. The fellowship enables the professionals to develop mastery in their skills and become proficient professionals. It also helped me to review numerous fellowship programs being offered around the country. As I compiled the need assessment and took guidance from the mentor, I came to know the numerous requirements of hospital and it helped us in developing fellowship program for the hospital. While we presented the proposed program to the faculty and reviewed it for improvements, the process of fine tuning the program for its inclusion in the curriculum of fellowship taught me the evaluation criteria on which the program's effectiveness is reviewed.

As I progressed in developing a flow of the program, I learned a lot about the importance of the flow in the delivery of program, the lecture and presentation duration and the need for finding an optimum number of slides. The development of bibliography about the hospital's procedures and policies increased my own knowledge about the same and the rules which govern the action of doctors and NPs.

The ongoing process of development of material for subsequent classes and mentoring improved my lesson preparation skills as well as computer skills. The mentor not only provided support and guidance but also monitored my progress and ensured that I achieve my objectives in time.

Learning Experience of MSN Program

The Masters of Science in nursing program have been very helpful in acquiring not only the nursing skills but also scholarly skills of researching the authentic peer reviewed articles and developing educator skills. The program provided the skills, knowledge and hands on experience which can help us in taking up numerous roles as clinicians, educators and administrators. The program also served as platform for practitioners working in different hospitals to share their experiences on the university portal and gain from each other. The faculty provided guidance in the professional aspects of the course and mentored us in refining our skills as nursing professionals.

The unique experience of the MSN program was the incorporation of clinical judgment principles. These teaching have helped us in ...
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