Practice Educator

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Practice Educator

Practice Educator Stage II

Practice Educator Stage 2


The issue of humanity is becoming more and more severe with passage of time. The economic depravity is increasing and people are living in critical circumstances. These inequalities have led me to take initiatives and do something for suffering humanity. I decided to pursue my life as social worker, to help and serve humanity. The strong values instilled in me as child, urged me take step on personal level to make a difference in the society. My motive is to make these individuals as contributing members of society, by making them more independent. The incident of my student who diagnosed with cancer has changed my perspective of life. It gives me an idea to explore myself in new dimension.

Our society is divided into social classes who are not provided with equal opportunities of life. These inequalities become the reason for adoption of disgruntle behaviour and rebellion attitude among unprivileged social class. Government is taking several measures in this regard to support and upgrade the standard of living of its people, but still there are areas that get neglected. This negligence is compensated by several non-governmental organizations who strive to fill the gap of between privileged and underprivileged classes of the society. These NGO's are working parallel to the government providing immense support to the underprivileged to initiate their lives with new motivation and zeal. These NGOs develop various programs to support the students in capitalizing their talents up to maximum level. In order to gain maximum results, the practice educator is appointed to conduct various programs and train students to execute those programs.

Practice Educator Professional Standards

The increased number of NGO's has created the need for providing proper guidance, working as a contributing member of the organization. The Social Work Reform Board has decided that social work students should be assessed in practice by registered social workers who are practice educators who meet the Practice Educator Professional Standards. The abbreviation PE is referring to practice educators. As a practice educator there are some expectations to view the qualification s and training required by the Social Work students, in the light of Practice Educator Professional Standards (PEPS).These Practice Educator Professional Standards (PEPS) set out requirements at two stages, adequate with the different levels of involvedness and responsibility in teaching, assessing and supervising social work degree students. The standards serve as a guideline for those supporting and assessing newly qualified social workers, experienced social workers undertaking formal or informal continuing professional development or others engaging in learning and development activities (Gallen,2001,p.56).


The practice educator professional standard is categorically divided into two stages, guiding the practice educator in developing and designing various programs required by the social work students. This break down of the standard has helped in assessing the needs of students before their formal induction. There are four domains which explain the working criterion for PE in assessing the social work students in stage 1 and in Stage ...
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