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Social Inequality - Poverty

Social Inequality - Poverty


Today, the social inequality and poverty are social problems that affected most of the countries. Poverty exists in all countries, rich or poor, but social inequality is a phenomenon that occurs mostly in undeveloped countries. The social development all around the world is characterized by a gradual increase in general prosperity and living standards (Butler & Watt, 2007). Poverty and social exclusion are not just marginal phenomenon, but also affect people in affluent middle layers. This is due among other things to difficult economic conditions, the continued high unemployment rate and the change of food and household forms. The immigration of people from economically weaker countries to the developed countries and the demographic aging are associated with major societal challenges (Green, 2009).

Figure 1- Poverty is a problem that affects most countries

Poverty and social exclusion limit the living conditions and opportunities for participation of those affected and can have lasting effects on health. This can be fixed, for example, on the influence of social class on health. For the development of a policy that aims at strengthening social integration, next to it is the health status of people in such situations of concern that are characterized by specific social harm and health hazards, such as the unemployed and single mothers (Fosu, 2010).

Nevertheless, the study contains important insights that allow us to imagine the extent of the social crisis and make the political developments in the countries compared. The study's authors point out that the use of a different measure of inequality would hardly have had an impact on the ranking of countries (Atkinson, 1989). Economic reforms taking place in our country in recent years have seriously changed the social structure. There has been a rapid social stratification; there were layers of very rich and very poor people. The vast majority of people have lost their social security state, and faced with the need to adapt to life in market instability. In these conditions, the appearance of a large number of poor people was inevitable.

Research Question

What are the causes of the Social Issue of Poverty and what are its impacts? How strategies should be implemented in order to reduce Poverty?


Poverty and Inequality are the concepts that are closely related to each other. Inequality characterizes the uneven distribution of scarce resources in society: money, power, education, and prestige between different segments of the population - this is social inequality. The main measure of inequality acts of liquid values. This function is usually performed money, and their number determines where an individual or family in the social stratification. The most common and easy way to measure is a comparison of the values ??of the lowest and highest income in the country. Another way is the analysis share of family income spent on food: the poorer the individual, the more it spends on food, and vice versa. If inequality compared to a scale, then on one of its poles will be those who have the greatest (the ...
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