Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Key Features Of The Disorder & Its Symptoms

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a typical emotional connection with the most disturbing and shocking experience. The focus of post-traumatic stress disorder is a single life-threatening event or threat to integrity. (Miller, 2004) This is exhausting, provided that the following horrific incident. The causes of post-traumatic stress disorder vary from one major life-threatening incident (the egg wars, violence, accidents, disasters, etc.) for a long series of events (the egg of intimidation, harassment, violence, partner violence, attending road traffic accidents, fires and natural disasters, etc.). In World War 1 after traumatic stress disorder (then called shell shock) was identified in the British Army as an officer "cowardice" and "desertion", often as an excuse to shoot their own men (306 have been executed so - see separate page), in the Second World War, it was named in Great Britain, Royal Air Force as a "lack of moral fiber" or "LYMPH." Today at work it is often called "stress." In each case, there is a deliberate conclusion that the individual's inability to cope, but in truth, on the appointment, most likely, is the projection of the prosecutor's own inadequacy. (Miller, 2004)

The symptoms of this disorder early May, look to be part of the normal response to the devastating happens. Only when these symptoms, and after three months, it may be true that people suffering from this disorder. Sometimes the disease surfaces months or even years later. Psychiatrists group post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in three categories, namely, intrusive symptoms, prevention of symptoms, and symptoms of hyper-excitation.

Whatever the causes of the problem, some people with this disorder once recalled trauma in the form of nightmares and bad memories during the day. They may also have problems sleeping, depression, feeling detached or simply astonished at the small incident. They can lose their appeal in the things they are used for spices and a gentle sense of difficulty. They may feel resentful, hostile, and even more furious. Seeing that reminded them of the incident can be very brutal, which might lead them to avoid the obvious places and situations that the return of those memories.

Key Bio-psychosocial Explanations

People with post-traumatic stress disorder continuous frightening thoughts and memories of his nightmare and feel impulsively hand, especially with people when they were close to K. The disease can arise from a number of serious incidents, including kidnapping, ...
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