Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (Ptsd)

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Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)



Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1


Re-experiencing symptoms2

Avoidance Symptom3

Hyper arousal Symptoms3

Relationship of PTSD with other disorders4

PTSD and panic disorder4

PTSD and social anxiety disorder5

PTSD and Obsessive compulsive disorder5

PTSD and acute stress disorder5

Occurrence of PTSD with respect to age, gender and social class and ethnicity6

Risk Factors7

Environmental factors7

Biological factors7

Psychological factors8






Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)


According to survey more up to 70 percent of the Americans have faced at least one traumatic event in their life. Traumatic events and mishaps normally take place between the people and it has got several effects on psychological and physical health of a person. Some of the traumatic events such as bomb blasts, car accident, and earthquake leave an over lasting effect over the psychological health of a person. PTSD takes place due to some mishap or any tragic event that leads to anxiety, depression and many other severe mental conditions. There are many symptoms to diagnose this disorder as well as there are effective treatments to treat this disorder.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is name given to the number conditions that a person develops due to a traumatic event in his or her life. That traumatic event may be any shocking news that is not normally faced by a person in his daily life. On listening of shocking news such as tsunami, any earth quake or any natural disaster such as Sandy storm that took place in America few days back, the war which started in Afghanistan or the attack on world trade center may have an over lasting effect on any person. If a person has faced any of such disaster, then it is obvious that he or she may become stressed and depressed. Apart from this if a person faces some other tragic events such as accidents, physical or sexual harassment or any other injury. It is obvious and the fact if any person has through any such event then the reaction of such events affects one's life seriously (Andreasen, 2011).

Few people who survived from such disasters and events call this a disorder. According to them this event is normal and quite understandable to the abnormal events. However, either this disease is called syndrome or disorder the diagnosis reveals that there are few events in life which cannot be controlled anyhow. These events create a sense of horror and fear and may lead to extremely disturbing psychological problems those effects the life and health of a person (Bisson, 2009).


Post traumatic stress syndrome have got many syndromes majorly they can be divided into three groups.

Re-experiencing symptoms

The most appearing symptoms of post traumatic stress syndrome are re-experiencing symptoms. These include flashbacks in which a person thinks that the event is occurring and will occur which keeps him always frightened and full of fear. Another symptom which includes in this category is a nightmare in which he again sees the same event occurring. The images and other shocking things that took place during the event again and again revolve around his or her mind every ...
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