Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome

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Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome

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Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome


The human body is a fragile and systematic entity, which is susceptible to disorders and irregularities. In the context of the daily life situations there are several factors which can cause serious harm on the human body, which can result in serious dilemmas. The contemporary medical and the health care industry have specialized in alleviating the majority of the dilemmas caused in the human body, through the utilization of the advancements ion technology and medical procedures. It is due to this phenomenon that in the modern society the general population is not too concerned regarding the long term physical; disorders that can occur in their bodies (Yehuda, 2002). The medical fraternity is advancing at a very high rate leading to the solutions for the injuries and trauma related dilemmas among the patients. The primary reason for the high levels of health care in the current medical industry can be attributed to eth research in to the various traumas, and their impacts on the human body. Among these traumas the physical traumas are researched along with the psychological traumas; as they also have a very substantial impact on the lives of the relevant individuals.

In the traditional perspective this component of the medical disorders was primarily regarded as a secondary or low significant factor, as the majority of the focus was shifted towards the direct physical traumas. The primary reason for this factor was the lack of adequate medical tools and procedures to cope with the physically oriented disorders caused by trauma (Bisson, 2007). However as the contemporary research in the medical fields have been enhanced, leading towards better technology and procedures to alleviate the physical traumas, more attention has been given towards the psychologically oriented traumas, and their impacts on the human well being. Unlike the physical traumas the psychologically oriented traumas are highly complex in nature and they have a long term impact on the well being of the relevant person. These traumas are very difficult to detect however can impact several cognitive abilities of the person and lead to negative developments. Although these traumas are not apparent and direct as the physical traumas, their impact on the human beings is very significant. In the events when the individuals have to experience a highly stressful environment, they cannot easily process this experience (Foa et Al, 1993). As a result certain emotions and feelings regarding that stressful environment remain with eth individuals, which have a negative impact on their future lives.


Psychological Traumas: Contemporary Developments

The current research on the subject regarding the post trauma related incidents how that these issues are highly complex, and can cause serious cognitive and also physical issues among the patients. In the advanced stages of this cognitive trauma, the psychological issues are transformed into realistic physical dilemmas, causing the patient to suffer from a depreciable state. The important factor to consider regarding the phenomenon of post traumatic stress disorders is that these dilemmas are not very apparent, ...
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