Post Traumatic Stress Disorder And Sexual Abuse

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Sexual Abuse


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder due to sexual abuse. The paper will enlighten and explore different conceptions regarding post-traumatic stress disorder originating from sexual assault reasons. Nonetheless, the paper will also enlighten diverse treatment approaches through which the sexually assaulted patients with PTSD can be cured. There are several societal, psychological and biologic factors that influence the health and psyche of a sexual assault victim. These factors not only manipulate the psyche of an individual; but, enhance the possibility of post traumatic stress disorder occurrence due to severe depression encountered by an individual. Sexual abuse can be are defined as unwanted and coerced sexual contact that have been encountered by the victim in his/her life. According to different sources, sexual assault causes increased risk of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other major depressive disorder.

Table of Contents


The Occurrence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Due to Sexual Abuse5

Symptoms of PTSC Caused by Sexual Assault6

Diagnosis and Treatment Alternatives7

Trauma-focused Treatment of PTSD8

Cognitive and Behavioral Treatment Approaches10

Social Support11

Integrated Treatment of PTSD13

Medication for Treating PTSD14



Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Sexual Abuse


PTSD is defined by the DSM-IV-TR as “the development of characteristic symptoms following exposure to an extreme stressor involving direct personal experience of an event that involves actual or threatened death or serious injury, or other threat to one's physical integrity; or witnessing an event that involves death, injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of another person; or learning about unexpected or violent death, serious harm, or threat of death or injury experienced by a family member of other close associate. The relationship between depression and PTSD has been examined; but, it is necessary to further study the specific elements connecting these two disorders. The current investigation sought to explore the relationship between PTSD and depression in sexual abuse survivors by examining the associations among negative trauma-related cognitions, PTSD symptom clusters, and the severity of depressive symptoms.

PTSD and depression is more severe than either diagnosis alone and is associated with more severe impairment in social and occupational functioning as well as higher rates of substance abuse, revictimization, and suicidality. It has been suggested that impoverished women are at greatest risk of developing these co-morbid disorders because they are more often exposed to events (e.g., rape, sexual abuse, and physical abuse) that have the highest probability of leading to PTSD. Nonetheless, growing empirical literature suggests that when compared to physical abuse and adult trauma, sexual assault may be associated with the greatest severity of adult depression and PTSD, and the highest risk for additional trauma. A more extensive history of sexual assault; specifically, multiple experiences, longer duration, more intrusive types, and experiences involving physical force, has been shown to be associated with increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including PTSD and depression.

The Occurrence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Due to Sexual Abuse

The most common psychiatric consequence of sexual assault exposure is PTSD. To help explain this risk of PTSD, ...
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