Post Operative Patients

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Infections in Post Operative Patients

Infections in Post Operative Patients


The risk of infectious complications in patients who are critically ill, gives rise to the creation in the ICU certain hygienic regime. It should be borne in mind that the pathways of infection are most often polyethylene catheters, tracheostomy tubes, catheters, and infection sources - air, leather, personnel, equipment, fans, clothes (Theophilus & Adnan, 2011). To protect patients from cross infection it is expedient to create one-box houses, which are sent from the number of patients were in intensive care, in which there was an infectious complication, or knowingly infected patients who need intensive treatment. Hoti and the intensive care unit can meet the weight species of bacteria, but the weight of most Gram-marked forms (El-Rashidy, Taha, Ayad & Sroor, 2011). There is increasing discussion about the fact that this plays a role is not always justified by prophylactic use of antibiotics.

Preventive measures significantly reduce the risk of bacterial contamination before and during surgery, but the postoperative period is also a significant step in the prevention of infectious complications (Ranjan, Ranjan, Bansal & Arora, 2010). Your doctor must make an individual plan for post-operative instillation of eye drops, antibiotics, steroidal and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drops, determine its duration, and will schedule the next inspection. As a rule, the total duration of antibiotic instillations, including pre-operative prophylaxis is 7 - 10 days and not more than 14 days (Masaadeh & Jaran, 2009). Regardless of the nature of the surgery performed in the postoperative period is necessary to carry out a series of events that allow the patient to cope better with the changes in the body that develop after surgery. Among these activities should be allocated as follows:

Discussion & Analyses

Positioning of the patient in bed in the early hours (days) after surgery should be performed with the nature of surgery and the pathological process (usually a supine position, the position of Fowler, the situation in a raised bed head end, etc.). The bed should be equipped with devices that will facilitate patient movement (trapezoid, the reins, tables). Monitoring of patients by medical personnel on duty is an important measure of the postoperative period (Sebastyanska-Targowska & Snarska, 2010). If you pay attention to the observation of the nature of respiration, the nervous system, skin color, determine the character of the pulse. It is very important when monitoring patients in the immediate postoperative period, forcing him to make active movements, the volume of which should correspond to the nature of surgical intervention (Jayaraman, Cuteri, Jesudasen, Salman, Thomas & Preziuso, 2011). In the late postoperative period it is imperative to monitor the state of homeostasis, a function of the respiratory and circulatory system.

Respect for the general peace by putting the patient to the recovery room and the introduction of his narcotic analgesics (Bilgin, van de Watering, Eijsman, Versteegh, van Oers & Brand, 2007). Hygienic measures are of great importance for the prevention of various complications in the postoperative ...
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