Post-Industrial Crisis

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The Financial Crisis is a Post-Industrial Crisis

The Financial Crisis is a Post-Industrial Crisis


Since the subprime crisis in July/August 2007, followed by the financial crisis of September 2008, the world entered a period of high uncertainty. This results in blurring of the unstable and displacement issues or interpretations. Therefore, for this purpose, the author tried to create frames observation to understand the crisis in order to better understand the risks, constraints and opportunities for action, and avoiding, if possible, ideological approach that is i.e. taking a single point of view, that of the dominated, contractors, state, market risk, justice, etc.

To do this, the author seek from reality and observation, to identify ambivalence phenomena, positive and negative, to describe the diversity based on scales of observation, and to avoid assigning a primary cause or sole source of problems or solutions. Rather than seek to identify specific actors and system effects between actions and decisions. This is what is often called an inductive approach that seeks to explore and be pragmatic.

The author proposed an anthropological reading of the three major uncertainties in our society today without being exhaustive, comprehensive or consistent.  The demonstrations with excessive consistency too much sense because the paranoid is consistent. The paranoid approach is the basis of conspiratorial theories of the power of the practices is attributed to a single cause, the source of the problems (or solutions). Another practice is to start a true and build around a coherent vision, but delusional, the causal link between intention and misfortune. The sign is a delusional approach is precisely when there is no fault. It is the study of witchcraft in Africa, which has taught me that the conspiratorial theories of power, as explained in the imaginary misfortunes of everyday life, were universal (Maurer, 2012). The explanation by the conspiracy is a way to make sense of anxiety that arises from situations of uncertainty. In this sense they have a social purpose but they are in it authoritarian political excesses, even totalitarian religious or ideological.


Big changes are marked in the so-called Axial Age, from. Karl Jaspers coined the term for the period from 800 before to 200 after Christ, because then schools and movements in China, India and Europe have emerged that formed the basis for all the great philosophies and religions, without that there is an obvious connection (Confucius Buddha, the Greek philosophy). However, the author stated that this time to 600 AD to include the emergence of Islam can. This time axis is marked by warlike conditions of warring warlords. Only later their sphere of influence (partly) is combined to (imperial) rich. Both in China and in India and Europe arise during this time both coins as well as slavery. Anonymous money was needed to pay the mercenaries; debentures require at least a superficial acquaintance and proximity to describe these societies as war-coin-slavery systems. These conditions lead to (mostly pacifist) social movements that eventually bring back new orders (Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism). This was built at the time as the materialistic philosophies: one is discussing profit, ...
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