Positive Reinforcement

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Positive Reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement

Dinsmoor, James A. (2004) "The etymology of basic concepts in the experimental analysis of behavior." Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 82 (3): 311-316.


This article is about the study undertook between 1993 and 2000 on the effectiveness of DES, author discovered clues of a affirmative association between use of DES goods and scholar accomplishment in reading and numbers, an association reliable with previous reconsiders of the study publications on the effectiveness of computer-based instruction. Students in the early degrees, from pre-K to degree 3, and in the middle school degrees emerge to advantage most from DES submissions for reading direction, as manage scholars with exceptional reading needs. In a 2000 study requested by the Software and Information Industry Association, Sivin-Kachala and Bialo (2000) reconsidered 311 study investigations on the effectiveness of expertise on scholar achievement. Their outcome disclosed affirmative and reliable patterns when scholars were committed in technology-rich environments, encompassing important profits and accomplishment in all subject localities, expanded accomplishment in preschool through high school for both normal and exceptional desires scholars, and advanced mind-set in the direction of discovering and expanded self-esteem.


Author discovered that, while commanding for both former accomplishment and socioeconomic rank, fourth-grade scholars who described larger frequency of expertise use at school to edit papers were probable to have higher total English/language creative pursuits check tallies and higher composing tallies on fourth degree check tallies on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) English/Language Arts test.

Michigan's Freedom to Learn (FTL) start, an effort to supply middle school scholars and educators with get access to to wireless laptop computers, has been credited with advancing degrees, motivation and control and esteem in school rooms over the state, with one exemplary school glimpsing reading skill tallies on the Michigan Education Assessment Program (MEAP) check, administered ...
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