Positive Psychology

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Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology


Positive psychology is the study of the processes and conditions that contribute to optimal functioning and flourishing in human beings. It is the study of positive experiences, positive traits, and positive communities. Examples of topics in positive psychology include the study of positive emotions, such as hope, curiosity, and love; the study of individual strengths, such as wisdom and courage; and the study of positive practices in institutions, such as school policies that foster students' intrinsic motivation to learn. The World Health Organization in 1948 defined health as "a state complete physical, mental and social, not merely the absence of disease "His statement implied a qualitative leap, shifting the focus on the disease move to an approach that puts your attention in positive health. Much of it can be seen today in practice. The model disease-based psychological, mental work has restricted the mental health professionals and has deepened the pursuit of happiness (Hergerhahn, 1997).

Referring to positive emotions, some doctors developed in its research the hypothesis that the intervention strategies that cultivate the emotions positive are particularly suitable for preventing and address the problems rooted in negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, aggression and health problems related stress. She believes that emotions negative narrow the repertoire momentary of individual of thought-action, while positive emotions expand. These strategies optimize the health and welfare in emotions as they positive. Positive emotions not only hinder negative emotions but extend habitual ways of individuals thinking and build their personal resources coping.

Article Critique

Positive Psychology considers even people who bear the higher load psychopathological is worry a lot more besides to alleviate their suffering. People with problems seek greater satisfaction and joy, not only less concern and sadness and pretend to have lives filled with meaning and purpose. These states do not be automatically achieved by removing suffering, but the placement of positive emotions and the construction of nature can help, both directly and indirectly, to alleviate suffering and to amend its root causes. By definition of positive psychology is the scientific study of the experiences positive individual traits positive addition to the institutions facilitating its development? A field concerning the welfare and the optimum performance, the purpose of Positive Psychology is to broaden the focus of clinical psychology beyond consequent suffering and relief (Duckworth, 2005).

Positive psychology is recognized as a type of subjective wellbeing, instead of as a sense of pleasure or emotion as it's often referred. It indicates that a certain non-transitory positive psychology must be present and reflective of long term mental state, as opposed to short term or transitory feelings of content. Also, contributing to one's state of mind are objective viewpoints, the concept of measuring success by means of comparison, thus forming insecurities surrounding the quality of life if the individual feels as though he or she does not measure up. This feeling of unfulfillment may lead the subject to feel insecure, and may steer towards the creation of an inferiority complex, taking away from the overall sense ...
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