Positive Psychology

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Positive Psychology



Definition and Description of Positive Psychology Constructs1



Hope Theory2



Design, goals, and implementation of the project2

Outcomes of the Project3

Critique of project4

Picture, websites and article relevant to the chapter from the text5

Chapter 14: Creativity5

Chapter 17: Optimism6

Chapter 19: Hope Theory7

Chapter 20: Self-Efficacy8

Chapter 32: The psychology of Forgiveness9



Positive Psychology


There are various positive psychology constructs that should be put into action by every person in their life. These aspects help develop the personality of an individual into a positive one. These constructs have several positive effects on the personality of an individual. Appropriate and continuous application of them in their life can bring several positive outcomes. The positive psychology constructs that I have attempted to put into action in my project include creativity, optimism, hope, self-efficacy, and forgiveness.

Definition and Description of Positive Psychology Constructs


Creativity is considered to be one of the most central components of positive psychology. Creativity is perceived as a positive quality to be possessed by a person. Creativity refers to an imaginative thinking 'out of the box' (Gilmen et.al, 2009). Majority of the definitions of creative idea consist of three definitions. Firstly, creative ideas should represent something new, innovative, or different. Secondly, creative ideas are required to fit on standards of high quality. Thirdly, creative ideas should be relevant to the task.


Optimism is a positive psychology construct possessed by people who look at the positive side of everything (Snyder & Lopez, 2002). Everything in this world can be seen from a positive angle as well as a negative angle. Pessimists tend to find negative aspect of everything whereas optimists try to find out the positive thing. Optimists typically have good expectations of the future. Good expectations for the future have a significant effect on how people respond in times of challenge and adversity.

Hope Theory

Hope theory helps people in conceptualizing clear goals, find out different paths to achieving these goals, and garner the commitment and energy to reach them. Hope can be referred to a perception that one can reach his desired goals. Hope serves to drive the well-being and emotion of people.


Self-Efficacy is the belief in one's self that one can accomplish what he wants to accomplish. The basic premise of theory of self-efficacy is that beliefs of people in their abilities to generate desired effects by their own actions, are the most significant determinant of the attitudes human beings select to get themselves engaged in and how much they stick to their efforts in the face of challenges and obstacles (Snyder & Lopez, 2002).


Forgiveness can be defined as an increase in pro social motivation towards some other person so that there is no desire to seek revenge or cause harm towards him. It is a willingness to abandon the right to negative judgment and resentment towards a person who has hurt hum unjustly (http://www.div17pospsych.com).

Design, goals, and implementation of the project

The goal of this project is to convert the environment and people of the United States to be adaptive, positive, optimistic, hopeful, self-efficant, and emotionally fulfilling and ...
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