Positive Discrimination

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Positive Discrimination

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Positive Discrimination


Even with advancement in technology and rapid progression around, discrimination at workplace still exists as a concerning issue. Discrimination in organisation is of various forms that occur in different working scenarios depending upon the factors like race, colour, culture and sex. These factors lead to impairment of egalitarianism of opportunity and treatment.

Discrimination encourages inequality and discouragement amongst the employees. It gives birth to diffidence, frustrations and humiliation in the people and restricting them to prosper. Certain laws have been enforced in the organisations that underpins the position of the employees by discouraging discrimination at all levels. Positive discrimination is about favouring one person over the other with respect to colour, sex, race etc.

Affirmative action which is known as positive discrimination in United Kingdom and employment equity in other countries like Canada is practiced in some organisations. It is known as reverse discrimination in United States. It is the preferential treatment of certain minority group employees over the majority group.


Positive Discrimination

Discrimination in which a certain minority group is preferred over majority group with respect to race, age sex and other factors is called positive discrimination. This kind of discrimination is considered to be a positive approach as it favours individual belonging to a group that is treated unjustly or under-represented in the employees. But such discrimination too is considered to be illegal and is discouraged in many organizations in United Kingdom as it provokes injustice amongst all the potential working staff (Gilhooley, 2008, p.1).

Positive discrimination despite of being declared illegal is still being practiced in many parts of the world. Just recently in London, Scotland Yard is said to encourage the method of positive discrimination in recruiting new officers. The main objective of Scotland Yard is to employ more ethnic minors in the force (Hills, 2013, p.1). This is because it is believed that the current force is white male dominated force that needs to be converted into more representative of the society it serves. Affirmative action is required as population multiplicity is not present in workforce (PM editorial, 2013, p.1). Only 10% of minority group have been reported to be recruited in the force in the past decades. They plan is to employ one representative of minority group for every white constable to be hired in the force (Hills, 2013, p.1).

A German based software company, SAP, planned to hire more than 100 recruits with autism to program and test its products. There are more than 8 million disabled people in UK amongst which a small proportion is employed. This shows that a large faction of talented people is not hired due to disability. According to Equality Act 2010, discrimination against any potential candidate is illegal (Tobias, 2013, p.1). Imposing quota for autism might seem discriminatory in itself but it is taken as a positive action to provide employment to the minority group. Equality Acts allows employers to be favourable to disable candidate over non disabled one. SAP intentions are sincere when it comes ...
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