Positive Attachment And Resilience

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Positive Attachment and Resilience


The human child is a delicate entity who is in constant need of psychological and physical assistance from their caregivers or parents. They tend to develop bonds of trust and affection with the caregiver (mother, father or ward) who is in constant interaction with them. Aside from the obvious help which the children need from their caregivers, they also adapt habits, traits and thinking patterns from their adults. In a way, they allow themselves to be shaped by their affectionate caregivers. Children grow and develop into healthy individuals when they get ample support, positive socialization and develop positive attachment bonds with their caregivers or parents.


Theories of attachment

Bowlby was one of the first people who understood and recognized the ideal that new-born babies or children have huge social needs although his theory is inclined towards the biological aspect. In order to fulfill this social void, they have the natural tendency to form bonds with the individuals who come in regular contact with them. Their positions in the mind of the baby is classified or prioritized according to affection or trust level he has built with them. He thought if the preferred caregiver is missing the child develops a susceptibility to developing mental disorders.

Mary Ainsworth also worked on Bowlby's attachment concept. The attachment of the caregiver can be measured by responses the child gives in their absence and presence.

During the 70's Alan Sroufe and Evert Waters also redefined attachment system as felt security, independent of physical distances. It reinforces what Bowlby regarding the security feelings which the infant needs and takes from its caregivers.

Studying nature has also given a concrete base to the fact that the mother or the priority caregiver also aside from providing the basic needs of the child, such as social and protection, also moulds the physiology and behavior of the child through their interactions.

This serves as proof to the fact that nature actually ingrained the bond formation and attachment creation feelings in babies so as to better prepare them for their adult lives and carrying on the specific personality and gene traits.

Importance of positive attachment for children and young people

Positive attachment is an important need of a child. Its importance is at its peak when the child is youngest. With the passage of time as the child grows older, it decreases and the effects start manifesting on the child's personality.

Children that are attached to their caregiver (most cases it is their parents), become upset when during the absence of their parents and revel in their presence. They are not shy interacting with them and actually enjoy it. They also recognize those parents as safety points to gravitate to when the children face distress or danger. Even though they prefer the company of their parents, still they are able cope with the separation if it arises due to any reason. They children feel a constant sense of security and are aware that their parents are always at hand to provide them ...