Position Paper

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Position paper

Position Paper


The basic task of a business is to eliminate or minimize the hazardous effects on the environment, prevent occupational accidents, occupational diseases and accidents. In other words, an organization needs to ensure that there is environmental protection in the workplace. Environmental protection and protection of labor play a significant role in the ongoing operations and development plans of establishments, regardless of their location and nature and work. In the workplace, safety and health of workers are given priority, and responsibility in these areas is a key responsibility of the management and employees at all organizational levels. Environment activities related to ensuring safe and healthy working conditions is carried out based on the established policy. Continuous improvement takes place in the framework of the health, safety, and environment including the protection of the environment.


The Need for Environmental Protection

It is essential for organizations to invest in practices and operations, which ensure the protection of the environment. Organizations need to modernize and optimize the production facilities and processes, whilst reducing the consumption of raw materials, and eliminating sources of emissions and improving working conditions. In addition, there needs to be improved water and sewage running through the workplace along with mechanical-biological sewage treatment plant and the closed-loop cooling water. On the other hand, environmental protection in the workplace needs to undertake the following areas (Bredeson, 2011):

Protection of soil and groundwater, including the construction of protective bowls, upgrading storage facilities, monitoring of soil and groundwater.

Organizational project techniques for waste management based on international principles, including the implementation of recycling process.

Eliminate emissions of energy sources and implement a new system of heat supply.

Activities related to the prevention of accidents and injuries.

System operation in the supervision and control products.

Tasks related to occupational health and safety, process safety and fire protection.

Forest protection in the on-site forest ecosystems.

Organizations need to adhere to the policies of environmental protection and ensure balanced development of the company resulting from the principles of a preventive system of network management of the environment and health and safety of employees. Organizations are the hallmarks of openness and communication with the environment, both close to the employees, their families and the local community and continue to create customers, business partners and collaborating institutions (Hay, 2005).

Waste and the associated risks are becoming an increasing problem in environmental protection of the country. Large organizations may be the main cause of producing waste along with other factors. As a result, organizations need to emphasize on the growth of waste management practices with respect to development of technologies to minimize waste, as well as those associated with their disposal and economical use. Of considerable importance is also the emergence of the relevant legislation in this area and educational programs on proper handling of impurities.

Environmental protection in the workplace seeks to fulfill the need for reducing the weight of waste to a level with a balance of raw materials, as sanitation of the environment is not possible without far-reaching synchronization of technology and how the operations ...
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