Portfolio And Group Proposal

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Portfolio and Group Proposal


Practices to Prevent Lawsuit

Ten specific practices that are aimed to prevent oneself or organization from potential lawsuit, as a result of the group discussion or meeting they were involved in; as anyone from the group may file for it, are discussed below. The situation that may lead the individual to that can be when they might feel that they were lured into some kind of fraud and deceptive meeting which failed to deliver on its promises by huge margin; they might get the idea that it was money-making trap devoid of any significance to the leaders or host and other similar situations.

Screening Forms

Screening forms are now extensively used with every organization at the brink of being manipulated and exposed to undesirable people (Shepherd, 2009). They would be used during the registration process. These screening forms will provide with insight into the background of potential attender. Customers should be told once they have filled in the form that they their information will be used for background check and subsequently their status as an attender would be confirmed. An undertaking would be signed subsequently by the participant declaring that they have submitted the information that is correct to the best of their knowledge.

Rules and Responsibilities

Clear rules and responsibilities should be outlined so that the customer is fully aware of all of them and their compliance is ensured. If desired by the customer, they would be explained by the representative of organizer to rule out ambiguity (Huntington & Kuhn, 2003, pp. 160). An undertaking to would be signed to ensure compliance. In case, rules and responsibilities are not upheld, violator should be penalized according to the intensity of deviance.

Ethics Code

The potential group members should be notified of the agenda of the meeting beforehand. At the time of registration, they would be given the focus of all the happenings that is going to span entire meeting. All the doubts can be discussed with the representative and cleared subsequently. Further information would be conveyed through dedicated website as well; towards which people would be directed through advertisements on relevant forums and representatives or organizers. They could visit the website to gain in-depth information regarding the proceedings.

Theories/Techniques to be Used

The techniques that the leaders intend to use should be disclosed earlier as there are certain techniques and theories people do not conform to and think of as controversial. This is important as certain techniques might appear illegitimate to some potential attenders so information provided beforehand would condition them or allow them to consider their decision to attend the program. The relevancy of the techniques should be imparted as this would help forming neural connections for potential attender, so as to better understand the formation.


Consent forms are important as they depict that participants are attending the event by free will, and they have taken the choice after been told about the all rules and agenda encompassing the event. It is imperative to let the customer know that they are to take the decision ...
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