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Overview of the topic

There is a need to address the question which states “Why and how do people continue to believe that vaccinations cause autism, in spite of substantial evidence that their belief is not true?” This is a major question which needs a detailed discussion in order to have clarity on certain issues. There are many researchers who have made an attempt to discuss the issues associated with the topic. Therefore, all the issues and aspects related to this question will be discussed in detail.

Discussion of the topic

There was a major controversy related to the vaccination problem of children. The panel discussed the issue related to the benefits of vaccination for the children as compare to the risks associated with this vaccination. In one particular instance, the committee was asked by members to conduct an investigation of the suggested links between different diseases such as measles, mumps and rubella inoculation. There was a sample size of the children that comprised of the ages of one and two, and also the development of autism was also assessed during the research. It was stated by the researchers that the incidence of autism has increased tremendously over the past thirty years. The rate of this disease among every five children has even increased to a very large extent. This has led to the diagnosis of many unfortunate children who have suffering from high levels of autism. This disease worsened with the passage of time as the cognitive functions of the children deteriorated very quickly. Parents are very much worried about their children and are looking to find a cause for this disease in order to find a treatment plan. The parents also had a belief that probably the vaccination was the cause for this disease though; there was substantial medical evidence which rejected this belief. The parents were also made to realize by the medical researchers that the benefits of vaccinations are very high. The benefits of the vaccination can be easily compared with the advantages achieved from the hygienic working conditions. The vaccinations helps to prevent the two dangerous diseases in the world are Cholera and Yellow Fever that killed many people in the past. These diseases are nonexistent are in the developed world (Sande & Ronald, 295) (Retrieved by www.cdc.gov/dls/master/rm.aspx).

There was also another illness known as measles which affected many children in USA during the 1960s and 1970s. The parents were also very worried because of this major development. This is the reason why the vaccination was introduced in order to counter this problem. The measles was responsible for the killing of many children and it became a huge concern for the children. In the US, there were large number of children who were protected from this disease and it was also because of the success of the vaccination. The lack of the vaccination facility would have certainly left many children dead and would have been a biggest tragedy for the children. The economic impact was also considered by ...
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