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Portfolio Performance

Portfolio Performance

The Performance of the Portfolio is depicted in the charts below. The last year 2011 will be remembered as another eventful year for investors in which world events and ongoing economic concerns resulted in much volatility across financial markets. A review of a chart of the FTSE100 across 2011 shows a general downward trend in the first half of the year before the major, and as yet unresolved, concerns over Europe forced markets to fall sharply. Despite the occasional periods of optimism that 'Europe was solved', the rallies in the second half of the year were brief and followed by sharp falls as the realisation dawned that the solution to Europe's debt crisis remained unresolved. Despite the underlying issues existing at the start of the New Year the sense was that that the green shoots of recovery had been glimpsed with the early positive news from economic indicators showing that the UK was slowly moving away from recession.

The advent of the New Year has resulted in an overhauling period for the financial sector of the United Kingdom. And the charts below show that trend. Tesco's Performance has grown poor as the quarter moved forward. British Petroleum shows a see-saw performance. City of London Investment has been nearly the same throughout the period. Barclay's performance has shown considerable improvement and growth, however in the last few days the performance has dipped. The poorest of the performance has been of the Yell Group. The major share of Unilever PLC has also fallen down enormously and it has touched a low of 2038.

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