Population Growth And Its Impact On Environment

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Population growth and its impact on environment


The population growth has a huge impact on the environment as it is one of the main reasons that cause an increase in environmental pollution and global warming, because the population increase will lead to the loss of half of forests on the planet and change the atmosphere and climate. In addition to the loss of tens of thousands of species of plants and wildlife, and an increase in greenhouse gas emissions caused by the consumption of larger quantities of gas and gasoline. Some countries have adopted new resolutions developed to address this problem, such as birth control, but poor countries are most vulnerable to this problem because of the chaos in the living as well as the state's inability to support the family. Nearly three-quarters of the population of developing countries is subject to poverty. More than 14 million children under 5 die every year, victims of hunger, thirst, malnutrition or easily preventable and curable diseases (Tsirel, p. 367).

Massive destruction is caused mainly by a growing number of people in extreme poverty, mostly devoted to subsistence farming. The growing number of people involved in this process applies only to the population increase. It is mainly due to the explosive rates of unemployment and the dramatic impoverishment of the population.

India and China

In 2011, the world population growth has dropped by 1.092% and it was 2.2% in 1963. In 2011, China, the population growth is 0.493%. In India, the population growth rate is 1.344% in 2011 (www.indexmundi.com). The population growth is also concentrated is these countries. Each year, the human population increases by 90 million people. About 90 percent of these new inhabitants of the planet are located in the developing world. As a result, the proposed solutions are aimed at controlling the population of developing countries. The massive influxes of contraceptives, mass sterilization, cultural dislocation, and even genocide have been proposed to achieve this end. (Arthur, p.205). The UN Environmental Program has reported that 40 percent of the world's population lives in coastal areas less than 60 km from the shore. Global warming effects on terrestrial ecosystem and habitats pose great dangers on forests and mountains. The Earth's climate is a chaotic system. That is, the regional climate characteristics that we have come to expect reflect one of many possible equilibrium states. This state is generally stable—climate changes come in a continuous fashion, with tomorrow being very much like today. Current global climate models assume that climate change from anthropogenic drivers will occur in a gradual fashion, taking much longer than a human generation to manifest itself. Our adaptation capacity is largely predicated on the assumption that we will have ample time to adapt.

Advantages of population growth

Some effective measures to counter the growth of the population of substantial improvements in education, health and nutrition, productive employment creation, diversification of economic activity and export of processed or semi-processed rather than raw materials. It has been argued that such measures would mean an increased standard ...
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