Pope John Paul II

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Pope John Paul II


According to Time.com, the influential persons are those who inspire us, challenge us and change our world. One of the most influential persons of twentieth century was Pope John Paul II. Across the religious and political spectrums, the heroic virtue of life of John Paul II influenced a large number of men and women. Pope John Paul II transubstantiated the pontificate into a global office actually and utilized it to minister to a mass of over 1 billion throughout the world. He was the most visible, most traveled, and the most voiced of papacies. He comprehended the influence of expression and symbol and handled them with exactitude, either in congregations, meetings with state heads or prior to streaming flocks of the faithful. He certainly inspired generations; of his time and ahead of his times. (Sheler et. al., 26- 31)


Blessed John Paul II, was born in Wadowice, Poland on May 18th, 1920. His original name was Karol Józef Wojtyla. In the 455 years, he was the first one to become Pope belonging to a country other than Italy and also the first Pope from a Slavonic country. In 1978, he became the bishop of Rome and headed the Church of Roman Catholic. On the 1st of May, 2011, he was beatified because of his accomplishments and achievements for Christianity, proclaiming him one of the blessed and thus worthy of veneration. His administration of pontifical office for more than 26 years i.e. from 1978- 2005, was the third longest pontificate in history. (Blessed John Paul II)

Early life

Pope John Paul was brought up by his father, after death of his mother in 1929. His father sought him to adhere to the priesthood. He had many endowments and talents since his young age, including poetry, soccer, theater, and philosophy. When Poland was occupied by Nazis in 1940, he served in a stone quarry and then in a chemical plant to run off banishment. He also started out education for the priesthood clandestinely during this time. In 1949, he embarked on his ministry as a parish priest. He was a very capable and a genius person therefore he got a prominent position in the Church hierarchy and in 1964, his appointment as archbishop of Krakow took place. In 1967, he was named a cardinal by Pope Paul VI; and finally in 1978, he was elected as a pope. In honor of his precursor, John Paul I, he adopted the name John Paul II.( John Paul II) ( His Holiness John Paul II : Short Biography)

A Revolutionist & Charmer

He was heralded as one of the most prominent leaders of the twentieth century. He also imparted his influence in political situation of Poland, which was his native country, by circumventing Communism from there and ultimately from all over the Europe. (John, n.d.) He also played an important role in enhancing the relationship of Catholic Church with other religions like Islam and Judaism and with other Churches like Eastern Orthodox, and the Anglican Communion.

A Seasoned ...
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