Politics And Terrorism

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Politics and Terrorism

Politics and Terrorism

Why is terrorism such a difficult phenomenon to define?

This word, which now has new meaning for people around the world, it can affect the life of society, and much more. A year ago if you said that the U.S. Government that shopping centers will clamp because of terrorism, they would probably laugh (Laqueur, 2003). But that is exactly what happened as a result of the recent attacks on New York, 11 September 2001. Nobody could be prepared to hate this day. Since the attacks of people actually thought that terrorism really is. Well, terrorism is an event which is easier to describe than to define. He was described as a fall application of violence or threats of violence to create fear in people. Terrorism can affect any of the religious groups, governments, and even innocent people (Laqueur, 2003).

Osama bin Laden is considered a billionaire, who leads a terrorist group operations in 60 countries and carried out many attacks across the globe. He is considered to be helping the Taliban and called on all Muslims to holy war on America. Regardless of how it is, this is huge. Consider this: With the death of a family member is happening in your house, imagine the number of people, it hurts. Not only family members affected, but perhaps even the entire community. Imagine the pain felt by the effects of the loss. There is a sense of time in 4000. That is, how many people died or felt the dead as a result of this terrorist act. (Laqueur, 2003) This type of behavior is insane. When we learn to solve our problems without violence, and perhaps then we can call ourselves civilized. Until then, we have a lot to learn and teach our children to deal with this fear, and live in a society in the world of the danger.

What is meant by the notion of political fanatic?

Political fanatic is one who is more interested in you than in themselves. At first it might seem that, as altruist, but look closer and you'll see a terrorist. Political fanatics, not the one who wants to perfect himself. No, he wants to perfect you. He wants you to an ideal person that you perfectly politically, so you excellent religious, racial or geographical. He wants you to change your mind, your government your border. It may not be able to change your race so that he would remove from the equation of an ideal in his opinion, removing you from the earth.

A few numbers of fanatics are not a major problem. No, this problem occurs if the political fanatics bury themselves morally legitimate political movement. Then there is a double threat. The first is that we could dismiss the legitimate demands of the reform because of the barbaric terrorist groups seeking to revolution (Abrahms, 2008).

In this situation, experience shows that the best way forward is for the Democrats to carry out what the Irish writer, Eoghan Harris encourages ...
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