Political Science

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Political Science


Answer no.1

For a worldwide economy, international political integration and the common culture, the factor of the rising collapse of national borders, is the globalization. All indications seem like unavoidable towards the progression. The challenges that are facing by the state sovereignty caused of inability of the modern state for following the global networks power. The challenges are raised because of the increment in the conflict, ethno-political, growth of weaponry production and the expansion of the terrorism due to which it destabilize the sovereignty and the boundaries. There is a theory related to the dualistic world order based on the global political community and the international society of states in which global institutions of governments and human rights are analyzed and they affect the policies, law and the political culture for sovereign states. Globalization is transforming the overall economy of the United States of America. Domestic markets and the institutions are affected by the international events (Ferguson 2005). As the globalizations brought many benefits to the Americans in terms of internet, communication, transportation etc. but pollution, refugee flows, crime, drug smuggling are also increased because of the globalization in the U.S sovereignty.

Answer no.2

Corporatism is the name of the organization of people and society that are transformed in the corporate groups. Agriculture, business, labor etc. are the examples of the corporate groups. The common interests are dived into such these corporate groups. They basically try to look at various parts for making up as a whole. Corporate groups believe themselves as a world economy. When there is the globalization of the social and economic or political systems, the global community is formed by initiation of different segments of the global society (Ferguson 2005).

Answer no.3

The process of the globalization is to combine and unify the world's economy. The purpose of the globalizations is to reduce the trade barriers within the community at the international level (Ferguson 2005). Globalization is a form of collectivism because we as a nation stopped thinking ourselves as the individual countries. It is opposed to the individualism concept and performs as the collective world economy.


Answer no.1a

No, it is not about the trade. There is a discussion regarding the ways of “binding together” and highlighted the North America as a structure of cohesive. They mainly consider and focus on things such as our free market trade between the nations and countries, shared democratic values. They also focus to expand the opportunities of trade between them (Flora et al. 1999). The other ways are also highlighted that indicates the ways for improving the security in the North America and meeting the needs of growing energy that is utilized for the countries. But it is related to threats for both domestic and foreign within North America.

Answer no.1b

Regarding this topic, there is a disagreement in this discussion and highlighted that SPP does not exist in the year of 2009 (Flora et al. 1999)

. There were many views regarding this issue and believed this attempted by the United ...
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