Political Expression In Hyde Park

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Political Expression in Hyde Park


Hyde Park - London is located on the River Thames in the southeast of the island of Great Britain. It is one of the most visited cities in England at the resort, hosting a number of tourist spots that attract hundreds of tourists from around the world. Among the most visited and most recommended that owns this territory is Buckimgham Palace, Piccadilly Cirscus, the district of Notting Hill, Trafalgar Square, etc..

Now, one of the most visited by travelers looking for an area to relax and to enjoy nature, are the parks. Which occupy a large area for travelers to breathe the pure air of nature, while they appreciate the beautiful architectural buildings of the place.

Speaking is the direct expression of thinking, and thinking is the most valuable and important human activity. Free speech is essential as well as free discussion, since everybody Should Be Entitled to Make Objections to any speech, That I know it can turn into a heated debate. The linchpin of democracy is Exactly what has been going on at the Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park for Almost a century and a half: public discussion must take the determinates of countries, just as It Happened in the ancient Greek poleis of agoras. It would be wonderful to have a Speakers' Corner at every corner of the world, from Beijing to Tehran and from Damascus to Pyongyang. Without any sort of Obstacles to thinking and speaking, provided That the Latter incite hatred nor violence do not (Huggon, 25-39).

Today, this park has the most beautiful vegetation around London. It has a large lake where you can see dozens of animals. This park has several areas for sports, has an area called The Sports Centre for swimming, and the Manege, used for horseback riding. Hyde Park has a separate section which is known as Speakers Corner, in which people can express their opinion and give debates on any topic they want to. This Speakers Corner has a rich history as well. For students, the Speakers Corner is a point where they can learn views of different people, specifically politics.


One of the most famous parks is the Hyde Park, which has about 142 hectares. He has more than 4,000 trees which give a completely natural whole surface. This area dates back to times past, specifically in 1536, where Henry VII acquired this property and transformed it into a private hunting ground. After a century, around the year 1665, it was open to the public to accommodate thousands of citizens in the city when the epidemic broke out known as bubonic plague, which is an infection caused by bacteria transmitted by Tersinia pestis fleas rats, which killed between 70,000 and 100,000 in England.

Certain movements of that time used Hyde Park as a rallying point for protests by workers, although not established a permanent place for the speakers. The Reform League organized a mass demonstration in 1866 and again in 1867, which forced the government to ...