Political Action Paper

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Political Action Paper

Political Action Paper


Nursing is the acts, which is performed to protect, promote and optimized the health, and skills which is require in the prevention from any injury or illness, the treatment of human response, which is done through diagnosis for the mitigation of suffering, and supporting the care of the society, families, and individuals.

According to the ANA (American Nurses Association), the profession of nursing is to provide services for the humanity, care for the people through providing them aid services for the cure of their problem and assist the doctors when they are doing any operation or diagnosis.

Nursing profession is considered, as to be the highly demanded profession all over the world. But, this profession is now getting many issues which is creating problem for the nursing service providers to perform their duties in a successful manner.

Statement of the Problem

As the population of the country is increasing, the number of nurses to cater high amount of patient is getting difficult. Every patient is willing to get treated first. The problem is that the management of the hospital does not increase the nursing staff, but the number of patients is increasing rapidly which is creating time management problem in catering the maximum number of patients a time.

Experts of the nursing profession analyze that the people who are shifting permanently in the United States of America, they are not willing to join the nursing profession as they are considering it as a low growth career. The current shortage in the nursing profession will become severe in the upcoming years as the number of patients is increasing every year as compare to the increase of the nurses in this profession. This shortage is creating due to some factors, which includes; The issue of the age in the nursing staff, resource and the expert faculty, There are very low numbers of adults, who are choosing the nursing profession. As, the remaining feels; that they can earn more and live a lavish life by choosing other profession except this nursing profession. The patients are increasing every year, mostly patients are those who live as bachelors, many of them eat the food from fast food chains, which creates health problems, and issues for them, many of the young generation consider this profession as a low growth profession.

The statement of the problem is that, there is very less percentage of increase in the nursing profession, who are unable to entertain all the patients in a minimum time. If they give minimum time to every patient, the quality of providing nursing service will be decrease and ultimately it will not be benefit for any of the patient. It is also seems like the government is not encouraging the young ones to enter into this profession or they are not considering the heath care service providers and are not caring of their nation. According to a research done in year 2008, there are around 500,000 qualified nurses, who are not providing their professional service because of high ...
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