Polio Virus

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Polio Virus


Polio is an extremely contagious viral infection that can spread effectively from every infected individual. The viral agent that causes poliomyelitis are a part of the group of Picornaviridae, which is a human enterovirus. It is made out of a RNA genome that is a single stranded positive-sense RNA. Polio (poliomyelitis) primarily influences kids under five years of age. At present, there is no medicine that can execute the poliovirus. Anti-microbial or different drugs for polio are not viable since polio is brought on by a viral infection.


Polio is an extremely contagious viral infection that can spread effectively from one infected individual to the other health individual. Indeed, when an individual is infected with poliovirus, it is normal that polio transmission around susceptible household contacts will happen in almost 100 percent of kids and over 90 percent of adults.

Poliovirus bound to a Neuron Receptor - Illustration courtesy of Link Studio

(Source: http://amhistory.si.edu/polio/virusvaccine/how.htm)


Poliomyelitis Virus (Causative Agent)

The causative agent of poliomyelitis belongs to the group of Picornaviridae, is a human enterovirus. It is made out of a RNA genome, a single stranded positive-sense RNA. It is a standout amongst the most decently portrayed infections and has turned into a suitable model framework for comprehending the science of RNA viruses. It damages the human cells by attaching itself to an immunoglobulin like receptor present on the surface of the cell.

There are three serotypes of the virus PV1, PV2, and PV3. Each of them has an alternate capsid protein which describes cell receptor specificity and infection antigenicity. PV1 is the most well-known structure experienced in nature; in any case, each of the three structures is exceptionally irresistible. Type 2 has been annihilated, wild PV3 is just discovered in around the range of five countries.

Epidemiology & Transmission The point when an individual is infected with poliovirus, the infection dwells in the intestinal tract and mucus in the nose and throat. It is transmitted from person to person through the oral exposure to contaminated faeces. In May 2012, the World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) pronounced the fulfillment of polio annihilation as a programmatic crisis. Since the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), the amount of yearly polio cases has diminished by 99%. In US the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report sources the data that since 2008 zero cases of paralytic and nonparalytic polio cases have been reported.

This implies that it could be transmitted straight between persons and by contact with debased surfaces or water. It is very uncommon that polio is spread through contact with contaminated respiratory secretions or salivation (oral-oral transmission). Polio virus affects humans by lytic cycle pathogenicity are the capacity to cause infection. The point when a microorganism overwhelms the hosts defenses, malady results.

Life Cycle of a Polio Virus

Source: (http://amhistory.si.edu/polio/virusvaccine/enlargehow_04.htm)

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