Policy Statement

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Policy Statement

Policy Statement


This paper discusses the policy statement of The Steelhead Police Department for policy of mandating all the police officers to wear soft body Armor. The Steelhead Police Department, a medium-sized agency has relatively recently hired a new police chief from outside the department after a nationwide search. He is bringing in many new ideas and innovations to the department. The new chief wrote a grant proposal and was awarded grant funding for new state-of-the-art soft body armor vests for all officers. Previous attempts to purchase and implement wearing of soft body armor by officers in this department had been unsuccessful.

Policy Statement

“All the employees of Steelhead police department are mandated to wear soft body Armor during their duty hours whether in office or outside on duty”.

Consequences of the Policy

The law enforcement organizations have a new responsibility of procurement of soft body armor. It is probable that several police officers have managed the procurement of body armor. In 1960, a new fiber called Kevlar was developed by a DuPont scientist (Yousry, et al., 2007).

Efforts for increasing the safety of police officers is successful, however a lot of work is still left. The armor is being worn by small number of officers and the wear rate of the vest is 60% which states that 40% of the police officers do not wear the vest and they are not protected (Yousry, et al., 2007).

Many changes are occurring worldwide, demanding a new approach by the organizations. You may watch and let things happen with nothing to do, as this may lead to uncertainty about the future of one's own organization (Robbins, Judge & Campbell, 2010).There are some changes that come as a hurricane and do not ask permission to enter, causing rapid instability if not managerially prepared for this change. The alternative often is to know what happened to deal with trying to get the best out of the situation. For example, we place the process of privatization, with which its decision is not generally shared by all staff, finding many opinions contrary to its mind full implementation (Bjork, 2008).

Most of the time, people are not committed to the change since they are not aware of the consequences of that change. Moreover, they are not aware of the way to act for the change. A cause that something novel is undefined, thus there is a way to defend their position against the unawareness and as a result they do not agree to change. The change process takes place in an efficient way, if all the employees are committed to that change. In both the cases, people comet, they are not run over by the change process, since something external is there. In fact, the change takes place through people. Moreover, to be considered people as a part of the change process are required to be aware of their values, behaviors and beliefs (Bakker & Schaufeli, 2008).

On the other hand, bringing about the change is not an easy job, as people might think ...
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