Policy Process

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Policy Process

Policy Process


In this book, the author has discussed the issue of Crime and the policy used to solve the problem of Criminal acts carried out by people from various age groups. The book also analyzes the public policy of the government, which aims at solving issues related to the problems faced by general public. It also includes policies to eradicate the issue of criminal behavior.

The crime is not a spontaneous phenomenon. There are always factors that cause or trigger. Criminal exacerbation can be considered as the expression of a serious and complicated social unrest has an impact on criminal law. In every country, in the world, and in all periods of history, there have been crimes. Crime is a unique human behavior, and is not observed in other organisms in which aggression is limited to that necessary to feed and protect the species and territory.

In prime cities, global crime rates have increased dramatically, youth violence is a common phenomenon and increasingly public, especially women and the elderly, feel insecure. The term used in juvenile courts of the United States to define the crimes is under their jurisdiction. In the American Criminology legally accepted the distinction between "criminal act" and "crime" is implicit in the theory that young offenders on the same considerations do not weigh supposed responsibilities acting on adults. Legal and sociologically the distinction would be based on recognition of the need for differential treatment with regard to juvenile offenders (Galligan, 1976).

Crime and Its Costs

The cost of criminal activities and their impact on social life in our country have certainly increased in recent years. All Mexicans pay these costs in many forms, from the tax to be made through extortion payments and loss of cash or property theft, kidnapping and other forms of brewing related.

The costs of crime also include of course the budgets of agencies responsible for public safety, law enforcement and the administration of the same, as well as social rehabilitation centers commonly known as prisons, penitentiaries and high-security treatment psychological internal feeding them, and so on.

The determination of the costs of criminal activity from the economic point of view should be established as an element, to define strategies and intangibles should be evaluated to establish support programs at the points where the social fabric is being most affected, but efforts must be redoubled to combat the ultimate recovery of social ...
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