Policy Paper

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Policy Paper: Education Equality of Opportunity

Policy Paper: Education Equality of Opportunity1

Policy Paper: Education Equality of Opportunity2

Executive Summary2


Education Equality of Opportunity3

Organization Brief4


Policy Options6

Conclusion and Recommendations9


Executive Summary

In this paper, the discussion is regarding the education equality of opportunity. Education equality is one of the serious issues faced by young generation. Access to education is not seen as an end in itself, but as an integral part and an important factor of social cohesion and stability. There have been several attempts to reform educational system of UK throughout the post war period. The problems of inequality in education had impacted the "real" equality of opportunity in UK. Various policy flaws in UK educational system are discussed in the paper. Based on the inequality problems, some of the policies are discussed in this paper through which schools can get back there reputation by providing equal opportunities to all the students. In the end, some of the recommendations are also provided that how schools and society can provide better opportunities to students. The policy recommendations are given on behalf of ABC school.

Policy Paper: Education Equality of Opportunity


In developed countries, the issue of equality in education is largely a social problem, in theory, is closely connected with the idea of social justice and social equality. Access to education is not seen as an end in itself, but as an integral part and an important factor of social cohesion and stability (Anwar, 2007, 283). Equality in education to a more general problems of social and economic equality, the general economic growth, a more stable and harmonious development of society. Great attention to the development of education policy in OECD countries paid to support the so called socially vulnerable groups (people with disabilities, people from socially disadvantaged and the poor, migrants, etc) tolerance education in schools and universities, gender equality (Anderson, 2007, 595). This study deals with discussion on flaws in existing educational policy in UK along with policy options to cover those loop holes. In the end of the study some recommendations will be given to further improve the educational system and save it from deadly concept of unequal educational opportunities.

Education Equality of Opportunity

The issue of education equal opportunity in the public agenda has been heavily popularized. The concept of equality is handled in various public policy issues. Before further review which means equal opportunities in education, it is appropriate to look at specifying what we understand by Equal Opportunities (Otero, 2006, 167). The term equality in educational outcomes is considered to be one of the crucial determinants of all the extents of the quality of the opportunities and the intergenerational mobility which is achieved by the societies in global community. As mentioned in many studies, large part of the existing cross country variations in inequality earnings attributes to the variations in cross country in skill dispersion (Robert, 1989, 20). The researchers have mentioned that it is very significant and also the responsibility to examine and analyze the impact of the educational ...
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