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Policy Outcomes

Policy Outcomes

Question One: Definitions


Pollution is defined as the presence of any biological chemical or physical agent or a combination of several drugs in the environment, in such forms and concentrations that are or may be harmful to health, safety or welfare of the population, harmful to plant or animal life, or prevent the use or enjoyment of the property and places of recreation. This definition says that pollution is the presence of any biological physical or chemical agent in the environment. Usually people associate pollution with some dangerous chemicals (e.g. pesticides, PCBs, dioxins) but there are also biological agents such as microorganisms or physical agents such as noise that may be contaminants. Pollution reduces the productivity of agricultural land water quality and affects the natural balance of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The effects of population growth and environmental degradation have made us understand the importance of effectively managing resources. Throughout the nation, the local governments are responsible to identify, evaluate and implement a variety of change in climate and clean the policies of programs and energy to meet health, energy, environmental, sustainability, and economic objectives.

Equality of Educational Opportunity

Equality in educational opportunity can be defined as a means of providing equal educational access to people regardless of their race, religion, age, sex, social background, status, academic ability, and disability it applies to all ethnic groups and communities. Educational opportunities have five levels. The basic level is the opportunity to enter the first grade of school primary. The second is the opportunity to learn enough in that first grade to finish with enough to continue studying skills. The third level is the opportunity to complete each education cycle. The fourth level is the chance to complete each educational cycle, graduates are comparable to those of other graduates of the same grade knowledge. Finally, the fifth level of opportunity is that what is learned in the cycle prove to have other opportunities such as economic and social to expand their life choices. Political discourse all around the world so far has focused on arguing the importance of promoting equal opportunities for access to the system education.

National Security

The term national security is a difficult concept to define. Multiple interpretations throughout history have generated. Harold Brown explains the American concept of national security as the ability to preserve the physical integrity of the nation and protect governance attacks from abroad, and to control its borders. National security is not military force, but may include, security is not traditional military activity, although it can encompass.

Question Two: Policy Problems


According to/.. inflation can be defined as increase in price level of products and service oin economy over a time period. In United States and United Kingdom monetary policy is the most efficient and effective tool for maintain low inflation. In United Kingdom, MPC of the Bank England set monetary policy. Government provides them with an inflation target and this target (2%+/-1) is tried to be achieved by MPC through interest ...
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