Police Traffic Officers Not Giving Traffic Tickets To Some Violators & Giving Traffic Tickets To Others

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Police Traffic Officers not giving Traffic Tickets to some Violators & giving Traffic Tickets to Others


It is observant from the past that the work of police naturally involves slopes of slippery attributes that consists variations in regards to ethics in criminal justice. In fact, the variations present in the behavioral acts of the police officers and police communities are many times questioned for the sake of betterment of the society and for the purpose of better performance in regards to developing protection, criminal justice, and social equality in the society.

The term police deviance which involves variations in the police activity of promoting law and order regulations is much broader term then corruption, as deviation and variation in regards to responding to the violators brings social inequality when acting on biased levels. This could be better understood in a sense that when traffic police officers show variations in performing their duty in a way, which differs between violators and offenders of a similar type. The differentiations in regards to such variations depends on the individual attributes and responses of the police officers as they act differently in many cases by not giving traffic tickets to some violators and giving traffic tickets to others for similar offenses or violations (Barker, 1978, pp. 264 ).

In addition, the process of acting with deviation in ticketing the violators brings upon an inconsistency level in the overall level of police work, which allows the society to question the services of the law protectors in the society (Barker, 1978, pp. 264). Moreover, such variations also brings defamation in the minds of people regarding the police services and police communities also such things bring in hatred in the minds of many people in the society. Furthermore, such behaviors and attributes brings upon inconsistency with values, norms and ethics attached to the society.


Studying the ethical dilemmas, which in specific terms carry the prospect of criminology and justice, is a fruitful theorem. The reason and logic behind such thinking aspect is that the study in regards to this subject helps to identify the current happenings, which are related to the acts of social in equality. Moreover, the paper will act in similar state, as it will analyze a few reason that lead to variations in the act of police traffic officers that differentiate between violators and offenders who conduct similar violations and offenses. However, in response, the police officers many times act with variations and deviances in many cases.

The study for the paper will consist of a detailed discussion on the topic 'Police traffic officers not giving traffic tickets to some violators and giving traffic tickets to others'. The study will require a couple of variables that affect such behaviors of police officers to conduct this variation in the performing their duty (Balagaev, 2011, pp. 34) . The independent variables for performing ethical argument on why police traffic officers not giving traffic tickets to some violators will be 'Deviance' 'Corruption' 'Misconduct' 'Favoritism' and ' Biasness'. These variables will provide a logical ...
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