Police Corruption

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Police corruption

Police corruption


The international and crucial problem that the world is facing today is police corruption. Misconduct of police in the history has been an important and key factor in the police institutions development worldwide, though it is a specific problem in peacekeeping and counterinsurgency operations like US-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization that was the police training program in Afghanistan. At that place, police corruption and abuse appear widespread and have produced some Afghans to look for the support of the Taliban in opposition to their own government (Bayley & Perito, 2011).

The most extensive and reliable knowledge related to police corruption in the English speaking countries of the world is observed in the particularly selected blue-ribbon commissions reports, not dependent on government and formed for the special and important purpose of conducting or organizing investigations regarding the issue of police corruption (Bayley & Perito, 2011). In order to prevent and cut down the police corruption, the commissions suggest producing outside control over the police along with a particular focus and concentration on honesty, enhancing training and recruitment, management from managers of all ranks regarding honesty, seizing all commanders or chief officers accountable for the misconduct of subordinates, and altering the culture of organization so as to tolerate misconduct less. Many remedies are proposed in order to diminish the police corruption in the environment and to bring peace and honesty in the society (Bayley & Perito, 2011). These remedies will be helpful in reducing or terminating the serious threats to the safety and security.

The police department of Chicago has inheritance of corruption and heroism both. Police department of Chicago takes and accepts the risk of their lives in order to preserve the peace, enforce the law and protect the public but on the other hand there have been police scandals in the history of Chicago (Hagedorn et al., 2013). Embarrassingly there has been large number of police officers in Chicago who have crossed the line to involve in corruption, criminal activity and brutality. For the criminal acts like beatings of civilians, drug dealing, destroying evidence, theft, murder and protecting mobsters the police officers of Chicago remained engaged since the year 1960 (Hagedorn et al., 2013). This is the analysis and investigation of the past five decades which have shown several criminal activities of the police officers of Chicago. Furthermore, the record of police officers that were convicted due to the serious crimes undervalues the issue of corruption in the police department of Chicago. This record of the crimes of police officers does not incorporate unreported and undetected serious misconduct bring about internal disciplinary, officers who give up work rather than face charges and illegal activity (Hagedorn et al., 2013).

The issue of police corruption in Chicago persists to be a crucial problem. Since the beginning of the year 2000, Chicago police experienced around 102 convictions. These police convictions were because of many serious problems that the state was facing because of the police crimes (Hagedorn et al., ...
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