Police Corruption

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Police Corruption


Corruption doesn't limit itself to the financial mishandling but has many strings attached to it which results in forming the overall picture. This study would highlight some of those factors which have surfaced over the time. This study would be focusing on the corruption on the part of the police department. This paper would try to link the ethical and moral concerns regarding the police department and its effects on the image of the police department in the eyes of the public.

Table of Contents




Organizational Culture5

Cultural issues5

Historical Context6



Police Corruption


In criminal justice system, the application of ethical norms has come to be recognized as a crucial part of the process of doing justice. Whether an action is performed by law enforcement, corrections, judges, lawyers, or justice policymakers, we expect that decision making will be ethical, and when it is not, we anticipate that those who violate ethical norms will be held accountable. The field of normative ethics sets standards of conduct to assist in determining how to act, and it draws on such sources as religions, natural law, and written law in shaping ethical standards. Applied ethics is concerned with resolving issue that raise questions about what is right or wrong and what is good or bad. Criminal Justice professionals, who often possess the right to control others through the application of force and coercion, must understand how to act in situations in which ethical dilemmas arise, if they are to avoid accusations of abuse of their powers. Ethical theories about how to act and the rightness or wrongness of acts provide a foundation from which to analyze ethical dilemmas and arrive at a correct conclusion or resolution.

Corruption tends to be interpreted as wrongdoing on the part of an authority or powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral, or incompatible with ethical standards (www.businessdictionary.com) Corruption has existed in the society from the time society came into existence, since the police department does not employee the individuals from the Mars, therefore; the corruption too has been prevalent in the department of police from the time it has been established. Police corruption is defined as the maltreatment on the part of the police authority in order to take undue advantage or actions performed in order to achieve personal gain (Dean, 2011). After the 9/11 many people began to look Muslims as the terrorists, thus the notion was transformed into a stereotype. Therefore, in the context of the paper we tend to analyze an incident regarding the miss use of power against Muslim citizens by a police officer.


Organizational Culture

Corruptions is multifaceted, common forms of police corruption include Bribery, Extortion, receiving goods which are the property of someone else or even selling drugs. However, not to forget those acts which are done under the supervision of the senior police officers, obviously those acts which tend to go against the rights of the police under the constitution. Many reports, which deal with, the police department being involved in the corruption, are swept under the carpet. However, in some cases the reports ...
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