Polarity Management

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Polarity Management

Polarity Management

Polarity Management model and a set of principles are a friendly way to deal with all the polarities of life. Polarities are ongoing, chronic problems that are inevitable and unsolvable. Attempting to respond to traditional problem solving makes things worse. It is important competitive advantage for leaders, teams or organizations that can distinguish a problem to solve and a polarity to manage and are effective at the time.

Polarity management increases the value that the system or question:

• Increasing complexity

• Increasing diversity

• Increases the speed of change

• Increased resistance to change

Polarity Management can help:

• Simplifying complexity without being simplistic

• ensure predictability and stability in the midst of accelerating change

• Change resistance to change to a resource for sustainable development, ongoing capacity for change

A basic question to ask when encountering a difficulty is as follows: "Is it a problem that we can" solve "or it is a polarity in progress, we have to manage?" If polarity is you need to manage the implementation of the traditional problem solving skills will increase the problem rather than helping it.

The value of either or Problem Solving

• "The issues" have a good answer (the majority of problems in formal education), or two or more correct answers are independent (almost all outstanding issues in formal education).

• Problem solving is traditional here to stay. It is essential for a generation to pass key elements of knowledge of its culture to the next generation.

• Whatever our culture, a high percentage of our teaching "problems" have a good single answer, we all tend to respond to difficulties at work and home a Either / Or solving problems orientation. We have this tendency to automatically pick the "right answer" honestly. It has been and will continue to be an invaluable resource for work and life.

• All the above is intended to assess the importance or the other is thinking and how strong is our tendency to use it whenever we experience a difficulty. The above is also intended to make absolutely clear that in my enthusiasm for the polarity management, you do not receive the message that I am rejecting any thought. Polarity Management is a supplement to one or the other or do not think a replacement.

The value of polarity management

• Polarities have to manage two or more correct answers that are interdependent.

• Management of polarity is essential to move from one generation to key elements of ...