Play Therapy

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Play Therapy

Play Therapy


Recently, various psychologists and psychiatrists have discovered that play is a significant for human happiness and well being. Well knows people such as Aristotle and Plato have also reflected regarding the importance of play in the lives of people. This paper will focus on the play therapy and its importance why it has been chosen.


Problem Area

Parents and caregivers usually get worried regarding their children problem which result them to be disruptive, sad, rebellious, not able to cope or lack their concentrations. Parents might be concerned regarding their child development, sleeping, eating pattern and their child behavior with friends, family and at school. Each child is unique and has special qualities, at times they go through problems which are related with their feelings or behavior which results in interruption of their lives and lives of people around them (Carlberg, Eresund Boëthius, 2008).

Few parents and caregivers frequently holdup, looking for assistance as they are worried that they would be answerable for the behavior of the children. As parent feels responsible for the distress or problems of their child, it is consider as a normal part of child care. The only fact which exits is the commitment to begin addressing the difficulty which is substantial part of assisting child.

What is Play Therapy?

Play therapy is usually used for the children that are aged of 3 to 11 and offers them a way to express their experiences and feeling through the process of self guided and self helping. As the knowledge and experiences is communicated to the children through play, it has become a significant device for them to accent and identify themselves and to others.

Play Therapy assists children in understanding the jumbled feelings and distressing events that they were previously unable to sort our appropriately. Instead to enlighten what ...
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