Play And Pedagogy

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Play and Pedagogy

Play and Pedagogy

Play and Pedagogy


Play is seen as contributing to children's learning and development, and as one of many means through which they progress. There are similar recommendations about teaching and learning through play, which support the concept of 'integrated pedagogical approaches' or a 'blended approach', as proposed by Smith, (2010). Integrated pedagogical approaches combine adult-directed and child-initiated activities, and emphasise the importance of play and playfulness. Rather than seeing play and work as opposites, adults can integrate play-led curriculum, and curriculum-led play. Structured play and free play are seen as characteristics of 'good' and 'effective' practice, with the proviso that adults base their provision and interactions on sound knowledge of the ways in which young children learn, their personal meanings and intentions, and the influences of social and cultural diversity. Adults can choose from a range of pedagogical strategies to support children's learning through play. This paper will discuss about the value of play and Pedagogy as a central force for learning for children. It will address the importance of play in cognitive, language, physical, social and emotional development of children.


Play is a very important part for the development and learning of the child. It is very important that children learn from play and then apply that learning in their lives. Play helps the children in learning making sure that the aspect of creativity is present so that they can learn through it. The elements of motivation and new ways of learning help the children in ensuring that they learn in a manner that is helpful for them and that will make sure that they are able to learn more and more with the use of these techniques. There are a number of researches that have been carried out and that have explained a positive relationship between play and learning. This has helped the learning to advance in children and they learn more and more new ways of learning.

Language and Literacy Development

It is important for the children that they learn proper language and are able to communicate properly so that they can learn more effectively and can make sure that they have learnt the literature in a manner in which they are able to ensure that they learn more and are able to communicate properly. Play is an important aspect of learning language and developing literacy skills.

Value of Play in Early Childhood

Early childhood education is very important for children. Learning at a young age helps the children in ensuring that they are able to gain more knowledge and that will prove to be helpful for their future. The importance of early childhood education is huge. There are many theories that have been conducted and have helped in realizing the importance of the early childhood education (Bruce, 2001, pp. 19). Playing is an aspect that has been found to be the most important of them all and has also played a major role in helping the children learn more. The theory of John Dewey explains that the ...
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