Planning And Reflecting At Postgraduate Level

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Planning and Reflecting at Postgraduate Level

[Name of the institute]

Table of Contents

Task 13

Research Strategy3

Task 25

List of Activities and Project Plan5

Managing Time5

Keeping Assignment Resources6

Breaking Activities into Steps6

Creating Schedules7

Task 39

Effectiveness of Research Strategy9

Effectiveness of Project Planning10

Planning and Reflecting at Postgraduate Level

Task 1

Develop a research strategy explaining exactly how you will find relevant academic material to help you with this specific assignment, i.e. specific search 'strategies' & 'search terms', which databases & journals you will query, how & why, etc.

Research Strategy

Research is a process of gathering necessary and important information by following a proper and systematic procedure (Flick, 2002, 14). Following a proper and systematic procedure is an important part of the research. In order to conduct the research in a systematic way researchers form a research strategy. The research strategy that the researchers adopt allows them to perform this process in a systematic way. Similarly, in order to perform this research strategy is followed.

While formulating the research strategy the first and foremost thing to do is to decide the topic and the issue about which the research is to be performed. According to Baumgartner (2008) it is important for a student to understand the topic. It is the initial stage or can be regarded as the nub of the research or any project (Baumgartner, 2008, 18). If this basic thing is right then the rest of the project would move in the right direction. The topic of this research is “planning and reflecting at postgraduate level”. After deciding the topic the next step is to decide the type of research that is to be performed. The type of research that would be conducted for this project is qualitative research. The word qualitative suggests the meaning of the type of research that would be conducted. Qualitative means that this research would explore human perceptions and understanding (Stake, 2010, 101). Qualitative research is all about exploring variegated issues related to topics and finding answers to questions (Robson, 2002, 36). With the help of qualitative research this project aims to find out ways to manage the projects and assignments at postgraduate level. The main reason behind choosing this research methodology is that this is the topic that requires opinions, ideas and tactics that are used to manage projects and assignments at postgraduate level. This project involves exploration of ideas and opinions that is why the strategy of qualitative study is selected. Once the researcher decides the research methodology the next step is to gather information by performing the review of the literature. Literature review part of the research can be described as the body of text that provides necessary and information about the topic. This part basically provides knowledge and develops complete understanding about the topic that is to be researched (Lawrence and Brenda, 2008, 31). In order to complete this project too the process of literature review is performed. The data is extracted from various journals, articles and books. For this research information would be obtained from several books of research and project ...
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