Planning And Reflecting

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Planning and Reflecting

Table of Contents

Task One: Development of a Research Strategy3

1.Objective of the Assignment3

2.Get organized3

3.Get Clear Concept of the Topic4

4.Find the Keywords4

5.Identify what type of information to gather4

6.Strategy to avoid Plagiarism - Referencing5

Task Two: Development of a List of Activities & Project Plan6

1.Cut out the project and define the list of tasks6

2.Define the logical sequence of tasks6

3.Add the durations and constraints on certain tasks and integrate external tasks6

4.Define and assign resources7

5.Plan and track project7

Task Three: Critical Reflection8

Ethical Concern8

Limitations of Qualitative Data8

Learning from the report8

Overall Learning from the Exercise9


Planning and reflecting

Task One: Development of a Research Strategy

Objective of the Assignment

The main aim of the paper is to reflect the concepts and skills that I have acquired through out the graduate courses. This research paper also analyzes the skills and concepts that are needed for planning and reflection. In order to reflect my learning into a research, this study has been conducted. The readers of this research report will be able to gain knowledge out of the learning that I have acquired during my graduate courses.

Get organized

The primary thing to perform is being organized in relation to resources available and time. The organization can help individuals to:

spend less time looking for things

be a positive role model for other students to imitate

feel less overwhelmed internally

more productive

make more money

It could be useful to put a copy of this list on the bulletin board. Some people may wish to repeat it every time they organize, or repeat it to a friend who is helping. Some people find that using positive reinforcement or specific rewards increases their motivation to organizational strategies. Each time you decide to start organizing, choose a reward you can get after working in the organization. After the organizational meeting, the person may indulge in the reward chosen.

Moreover, working with a friend or buddy can make the job faster and easier (University of North Carolina, 2005). Some people have joined a chat group organized on the Internet where a group of people is recorded, specifically commits to organize a place, and then you will be making the task of organization, and return to the PC for support and mutual encouragement. Using a stopwatch and /or music is also helpful as a motivational strategy. The timer can be programmed to ring in increments of 15 minutes with a short pause between each period. Some people may choose to hear your favourite CD and continue working until the CD ends, or put your favourite song and continue the task until the song ends (Ramsey Library, 2005).

Get Clear Concept of the Topic

Reflection and Critical thinking are the spirit of skills needed at the master level. Before initiating research for academic/literatures works, it is significant to:

Examine the topic to make sure covering all aspects of the question and conducting its analysis that helped clarify what is required;

Carefully evaluate your list of conditions so that you only include the most important in your answer

Identify the question under which learning best occurs; and

Set-up the mind ...
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