Planning & Reflecting

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Planning & Reflecting At Postgraduate Level

Planning & Reflecting At Postgraduate Level


The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the concept of Planning & Reflecting at Postgraduate Level. Planning and Reflection skills at postgraduate level are very necessary and important. The essence of planning, reflecting and critical thinking is considered to be the main essence and pillars of the postgraduate studies. To have a simple experience is not enough, it is necessary that these experiences should be reflected in a proper way so that its learning potential should not be lost. Thus, this paper is an analysis of the research strategy that explains the ways in which the research has been conducted, and the strategies which have been adopted in order to find the relevant academic material used in the research. The paper also discusses the project plan describing the list of the activities in order to assure the timely delivery of the research project. Last but not the least; the paper is the reflective of the research describing the effectiveness of the research strategy, project plan and the issues which have been faced during the research project.

Task 1: Research Strategy

Behind every successful research, there is an involvement of the effective research study. Effective research studies are the key component behind any research. It is necessary for any researcher to develop an effective research study in order to give the effective results of the research. In order to conduct this research a research strategy has been developed incorporating the following steps:

1: Identify and Develop Topic

In order to conduct a research study, the first step of the research study will be that the topic should be stated as a question. For example, if the research is about the effectiveness of alcoholic beverages for adults, then the research question can be stated as “What are the effects of alcoholic beverages for the adults?”.

2: Find Background Information

The second step in the research study will be to retrieve the background information. It is necessary to find the keywords in order to conduct the research study. The keywords can be obtained from the indexes to general encyclopaedias like the Britannica Online (Abudayyeh, 2003, p. 65).

3: Use of Catalogues and Libraries to find Books

In order to collect data on any research topic, and gather the effective, authentic and relevant data, the use of research libraries or catalogues will be very important. The libraries are the most effective and authentic tool that provides the relevant data about the desired topic (Lincoln & Guba, 1985, p. 342). Through these libraries the important data could be retrieved which could be helpful in gaining the necessary background information. In order to complete this research project, the libraries which will be used is University of Phoenix. University of Phoenix is an effective library which is comprised of a huge number of data bases (Wang, 1997, p. 369).

4: Gather Sources

There are two basic types of sources which will be used in this research study as a ...
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