Planning And Allocation

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Leadership - Planning and Allocation

Leadership - Planning and Allocation

Identify an organisational policy that can have an effect on the planning and allocation of work (8 marks)

Only few organizations are there which primarily work on the quantifiable objectives. Most of the organizations have the policy of quantitative and qualitative objectives the planning is allocation is based on them. Organizational policy which provides employees to have benchmarks which they have to achieve on monthly basis can have a major effect on the planning and allocation of work. Providing benchmarks improves the overall productivity of the company, as the employees try to work harder to achieve their assigned benchmarks. In case of multiple teams working in the same capacity in the company, the sense of competition develops in the teams, which further contributes to boosting up their performance level. Additionally, it is preferable to offer incentives to the teams or the individual team members who achieve their benchmark. However, it is to be noted that it is not required for the company to always pay direct monetary benefits, rather the incentives may be of different types.

A company where individual have to sell 1000 units of medicines on monthly basis in the local market, the planning and allocation of the work will be done accordingly. Another example could be the benchmark of Prozac sales assigned to the team. If 1000 units are to be sold in the end of week, the team leader of 5 members would assign selling 200 units for each employee.

Employees will be planning the sales on the daily basis in order to achieve their weekly and monthly targets of the sales. Similarly allocation will be done on the basis of the targets when employees will be primarily receiving or allocating the work on the basis of the monthly benchmarks. The policy which has quantifiable objective have a major impact on the allocation and planning of the work needed to be done (Zaccaro et al, 2002, p. 452). As the team members would continue to achieve their benchmarks, the company would offer them incentives. An example of incentives may be providing the employee with the discount vouchers for himself and his family for any resort or fun activity.

Give an example of a target or objective that a team is working to achieve (12 marks)

A team has been provided a target to achieve the sales of 1 Million units of XYZ medicine for the year 2013. The objective is attached to the overall company policy of achieving maximum market share. The objective is SMART which means Specific as it states the amount of units which are needed to be sold in the market for the given year. If the team has to achieve sales of one million packets of 12 prozac tablets over the next 12 months so by 31stof March 2014, the first criteria of SMART objective is met as the number of units are specified.

Measurable because it can be measured against the ...
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